Home History of models in short



since 2,5 Mio. BC     producing and using of material and mental models (toolmaking, procurement of food, shelter, social relations;
since 1,5 Mio. BC maintenance of fire;
since 500 000 BC calender, language, cannibalism, cult)

30 000 BC                 „creative explosion“ (art, sketches, arms, decoration, instruments)

since 6000 BC          lots of models preserved in good condition in Eastern Europe, later Egypt and Sumer (models of houses and temples, shrines, pottery, seals, copper casting)

since 3000 BC          myths, ground plans, toys, gardens, processions with models

since 750 BC            written documents of various model use (Scripture, Greeks, Romans)

since 540 BC            attempts to reflections on model use (Xenophanes, Platon)

since 1200                first reflections on model construction (Grosseteste, Scotus, Ockham, Kues)

since 1366                development of the concept of model while constructing the Dome of Florence

since 1450/60           model method (Alberti, Filarete)

since 1542                the concept of model in French, German and English

since 1840                illustrativeness and analogy in science

since 1942                reflection on thinking in models and the use of models


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