Home 03: Animals construct and use models


see also in German:           Die Entstehung des Psychischen und des  Bewusstseins

Intelligenz und Modellgebrauch bei höheren Tieren




Animals use models with technical and social intelligence


Dealing with the intelligence of animals starts about 1750.


Around 1900 in the USA Edward Lee Thorndike and Willard Stanton Small used  for experimental research on „mental processes“ of cats and rats „puzzle boxes“ and mazes. Robert Mearns Yerkes published studies on „the dancing mouse“ (1907), „the intelligence of the earthworm“ (1911) and „the mental life of monkeys and apes“ (1916).


Edward Chace Tolman published with Charles H. Honzik on "insight" in rats (1930) and got  reputation with his volume on „purposive behavior in animals and men“ (1932). 1948 he coined the term „cognitive map“.

The German biologist Wolfgang Köhler entitled his first research paper „Intelligenzprüfungen an Anthropoiden“ (1917; engl. The mentality of apes, 1925) and afterwards wrote an article on „Vorstellungen, Sozialleben und Spiele der Schimpansen“ (1921).


Since about 1960 we see an international research on „cognitive ethology“ (e. g. Donald R. Griffin). with a German modification as „evolutionary theory of knowledge“(Konrad Lorenz, Franz M. Wuketits).

In 1978 David Premack and Guy Woodruff asked: „ Does the Chimpanzee have an theory of mind?“, and in 1990 Rüdiger Wehner and Randolf Menzel asked: „Do Insects Have Cognitive Maps?“


It is out of the question that animals can solve a lot of problems of life. They dispose of technical intelligence, e g.  have an excellent orientation, find food and shelter, build nests, use tools and avoid harm and poison. Animals dispose as well of social intelligence or psychology. Some researchers speak of animal thinking or thought, consciousness or awareness, communication and precultural behavior.


Konrad Lorenz published an article on „moral-analogue behavior of animals“ (1964), Hans Kummer a booklet on „primate societies“ (1971), Frans de Waals observations on „Chimpanzee politics“ (1982), and Richard W. Byrne and Andrew Whiten a reader on „Machiavellian intelligence“ (1988; Vol. II: 1997).


Animals can influence and manipulate, exploit, bluff, deceit and hoodwink other animals. For that aim they need among others:

·        knowledge of social relations and positions

·        presumptions on motives, sentiments and intentions of others

·        the ability to enter alliances with the right partners.


In his „Wörterbuch der Kybernetik“ (1969, 417) Georg Klaus mentions various species of animals using hurt prey to demonstrate to their joungsters how to catch a fresh prey.




Mensch und Tier: Unterschiede / Man and animal: differences

including: Intelligenz der Tiere / animal intelligence, cognitive ethology


Georg Klaus (Hrsg.): Wörterbuch der Kybernetik. Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg: Fischer Bücherei 1969 (Lizenzausgabe nach der 2. Auflage des Dietz Verlages, Berlin; 1. Aufl. 1967).


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