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Frauen-Stereotype und Sex in der Werbung

Sex and sex stereotypes in advertising

also: „decorative models“, „advertising models“


Weitgehend ohne: Fernsehen; ohne: Radio, Film und Internet, ohne: Partnersuche, Sexanzeiger

Almoust without: television; without: radio, movies, and internet; without: personal ads and sex magazines


Über 400 Titel


Siehe auch:   Menschenbilder

Mit Abb.: Stereotype der Werbung anhand kulturgeschichtlicher Bilder

Literatur: Werbung und Werbepsychologie



David Clayton Phillips: Art for Industry's Sake: Halftone Technology, Mass Photography and the Social Transformation of American Print Culture, 1880-1920. Diss. Yale Univ. New Haven, Conn. 1996;
Chapter Three examines the new kinds of employment that halftone technology brought into being, including photoengraving, commercial photography, and professional modeling, and considers some of the ethical and legal issues that were raised by this work.





Edmund Heilpern: Psychoanalytische Betrachtungen eines Prospektes. Die Reklame, 2. Aprilheft 1927.

Psychoanalytische Ergebnisse in der Reklame. Werbe-Rundschau, Juli 1930.

Fritz Miroslav Feller: Gesammelte Schriften zur Einführung de Psychoanalyse in die Werbepraxis. Berlin: Verlag des Archivs für Angewandte Psychologie 1931; darin u. a. von ihm selber entworfen: Vier Leiser-Plakate, 68-79.

Fritz Miroslav Feller: Psycho-Dynamik der Reklame. Bern: Francke 1932.

Hanns F. J. Kropff: Unterirdischer Eros im Reklame-Taumel. Erotik und Psychoanalyse in der Reklame. In: Kontakt, Wien, Heft 7/8, Juli-August 1932, 5-9.

Robert Rauber: Das Frauenbildnis in der Reklame. Zürich: Paul Hess 1934.


Siehe auch:

J. Dickens, B Chappell: Food for Freud? A Study of the Sexual Polarisation of Food and Food Products. Journal of the Market Research Society 19.2, April 1977, 76-92.

Doris-Louise Haineault, Jean-Yves Roy: L’inconscient qu’on affiche. Un essai psychanalytique sur la fascination publicitaire. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne 1984;
engl.: Unconscious for sale. Advertising, psychoanalysis, and the public. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press 1993.

Rachel Bowlby: Shopping with Freud. London, New York, Routledge 1993; Nachdruck 2002;
it.: Shopping con Freud. Milano: Lupetti 1996.

H. G. Warlaumont: Visual grammars of gender: The gaze and psychoanalytic theory in advertisements. Journal of Communication Inquiry 17.1, 1993, 25-40.





Konrad Lorenz: Die angeborenen Formen möglicher Erfahrung. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 5, 1943, 235-409 (unter anderem zum Kindchenschema, 274)




Vance Packard: The hidden persuaders. New York: McKay/ London: Longmans, Green 1957;
dt.: Die geheimen Verführer. Düsseldorf: Econ 1958, zahlreiche Aufl.




E. H. Hess, J. M. Polt: Pupil size as related to interest value of visual stimuli. Science 132, 1960, 349-350.

Stephen Baker: Visual Persuasion, Marketing. The Effect of Pictures on the Subconscious. New York: McGraw-Hill 1961, erneut 1969.

Kurt Mayer: Der massenwirksame Emotionalappell in der Bildanzeige. Diss. FU Berlin 1962.

Walther F. Ziehensack.: Der Sex Appeal in der Werbung. Wien: Verlag des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes 1962.

Betty Friedan: The feminine mystique: New York: Norton 1963 (geschrieben 1957-62);
dt.: Der Weiblichkeitswahn oder die Mystifizierung der Frau. Reinbek: Rowohlt 1966;
ab 1970 u. d. T.: Der Weiblichkeitswahn oder die Selbstbefreiung der Frau. Ein Emanzipationskonzept.

Bernhard Rensch: Versuche über menschliche "Auslöser-Merkmale" beider Geschlechter. Z. Morph. Anthrop. 53, 1/2, März 1963, 139-164.

Werner Suhr: Die stärksten Appelle. Sex contra facts. Düsseldorf: Econ 1963.

Peter W. Rober: Sex für Millionen. Erotik an der Werbetrommel. Ein Rätsel, das gar keines ist. Bonn: Hieronimi 1963.




E. H. Hess, A. L. Seltzer, J. M. Shlien: Pupil responses of hetero- and homosexual males to pictures of men and women. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 70, 1965, 165-168.

Reinhold Bergler: Psychologie stereotyper Systeme. Ein Beitrag zur Sozial- und Entwicklungspsychologie. Bern: Huber 1966.

Jörg Nimmergut: Werben mit Sex. München: Verlag Moderne Industrie 1966;
Taschenbuchausgabe mit dem Untertitel: Vom Sex-Appeal zum Sex-Appell. Gestaltung, Einsatz und Wirkung der Erotik in der Werbung. München: Heyne 1982.

G. H. Smith, R. Engel: Influence of a female model on perceived characteristics of an automobile. Proc. 76th Annual Convention APA, 1968, 681-682.

Lutz von Rosenstiel: Psychologie der Werbung. Rosenheim: Komar 1969. 2. Aufl. 1973.

M. Steadman: How sexy illustrations affect brand recall. Journal of Advertising Research 9.1, 1969, 15-19.




Arthur G. Miller: Role of Physical Attractiveness in Impression Formation. Psychonomic Science 19.4, 1970, 241-243.




Alice E. Courtney, Sarah Wernick Lockeretz: A woman’s place. Journal of Marketing Research 8, 1971, 92-95.

Vivian Gornick (Hrsg.): Women in Sexist Society. Studies in Power and Powerlessness. Basic Books 1971.




Karen Dion, Ellen Berscheid, Elaine Walster: What Is Beautiful Is Good. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24.3, 1972, 285-290.

J. Dominick, G. Rauch: The image of women in network TV commercials. Journal of Broadcasting 16, 1972, 259-265.

B. J. Morrison, R. C. Sherman: Who responds to sex in advertising? J. Adv. Res. 12.2, 1972, 15-19.




R. N. Kanugo, S. Pang: Effects of Human Models on Perceived Product Quality. Journal of Applied Psychology 7, 1973,. 172–178.

Ute Karpinski: Zum Frauenbild der Werbung. Untersucht an Werbeanzeigen in zwei deutschsprachigen Zeitschriften. 1973.

Sami Kassem: Sex in Advertising. Ist Relevance, Use, and Effects. Management decision 11.3, 1973, 145-158.

Wilson Bryan Key: Subliminal seduction. Ad media's manipulation of a not so innocent America. New York: Signet 1973; New York: New American Library 1974; mehrere Aufl. bis 1981.

Karlheinz Nowald (Hrsg.): Sex in der Werbung. Kunsthalle zu Kiel und Schleswig-Holstein. Kunstverein, 1. 5. - 27. 5. 73. Katalog. Kiel: Kunsthalle 1973.

M. Perry, A. Perry: The use of eroticism in advertising. Europ. Res. 1.1, 1973, 35-37.

Louis Wagner, Janis Banos: A Woman’s Place: A Follow-Up Analysis of the Roles Portrayed by Women in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research, May 1973, 213-214.




R. F. Hamel: Female subjective and pupillary reactions to nude male and female figures. Journal of Psychology 87, 1974, 171-175.

Sami Kassem, D. F. St. John: Sex in Advertising. Ist Relevance, Use, and Effects. Fontainebleau: European Institute of Business Adminstration, Research paper  126, 1974.

Werner Kroeber-Riel: Erotik verführt zum Konsum. Das verfehlte Leitbild der Verbraucheraufklärung. Wirtschaftswoche 28, 1974, Heft 52/53, 50-52.

Donald Sexton, Phyllis Haberman: Women in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Advertising Research 14, 1974, 41-46.

G. L. Wise, A. King, J. P. Merenski: Reactions to sexy ads vary with age. Journal of Advertising Research 14.4, 1974, 11-16.




Advertising portraying or directed to women, Advertising Age 46.16, 1975,.72, 75-76.

Werner Kroeber-Riel: Konsumentenverhalten. München: Vahlen 1975 (438 Seiten),
3. wesentlich erneuerte und erweiterte Auflage 1984 (760 Seiten).

Trevor Millum: Images of Woman. Advertising in Women's Magazines. London: Chatto & Windus 1975 (Illustrationen aus dem Jahr 1969).

M. Venkatesan, Jean Losco: Women in Magazine Ads: 1959-71. Journal of Advertising Research 15, October 1975, 49-54.




Ahmed Belkaoui, Janice M. Belkaoui: A Comparative Analysis oft the Roles Portrayed by Women in Print Advertisements 1958, 1970, 1972. Journal of Marketing Research 13.2, 1976, 168-172.

A. K. Clifton, D. McGrath, B. Wick: Stereotypes of woman: A single category? Sex Roles 2, 1976, 135-148.

James D. Culley, Rex Bennett: Selling Women, Selling Blacks. Journal of Communication 26, 1976, 160-174.

Erving Goffman: Gender advertisments. Studies in the anthropology of visual communication; vol. 3, 1976, no. 2, 65-154;
separate Ausgabe New York: Harper & Row/ London: Macmillan 1979; Reprint 1985;
dt.: Geschlecht und Werbung. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1981.

J. Heimann: Die Erbse unter der Prinzessin und was Frauen sonst noch erregt. Psychologie heute 3.1, 1976, 55-59.

Marie-Louise Janssen-Jurreit: Sexismus. München: Hanser 1976.

Wilson Bryan Key: Media sexploitation. New York: New American Library 1976; zahlreiche Aufl.

A. Poe: Active women in ads. Journal of Communication 26.4, 1976, 185-192.




Michael J. Baker, Gilbert A. Churchill: The impact of physically attractive models on advertising evaluations. J. Marketing Res. 14, November 1977, 538-555.

Claus-Dieter Barg: Messung und Wirkung der psychischen Aktivierung durch die Werbung. Diss. Univ. Saarbrücken 1977.

Ilse-Lore Baschek: Bildhaftigkeit. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie 24.3, 1977, 353-396.

Robert W. Chestnut, Charles C. LaChance, Amy Lubitz: The ‘Decorative’ Female Model: Sexual Stimuli and the Recognition of Advertisements. Journal of Advertising 6.4, 1977, 11-14.

J. M. Duker, L. R. J. Tucker: Women's Lib-ers Versus Independent Women: A Study of Preferences for Women's Roles in Advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research 14.4, November 1977, 469-475.

Leslie J. Friedman: Sex role stereotyping in the mass media. An annotated bibliography. New York: Garland 1977.

William J. Lundstrom: Sex Role Portrayals in Advertising. Journal of marketing,  41.3, 1977, 72-79.

Robert A. Peterson, Roger A. Kerin: The Female Role in Advertisements: Some Experimental Evidence. Journal of Marketing 41, October 1977, 59-63.

Thomas Utterström: Sex Discrimination in Advertising. A Summary of the Situation in Sweden. Zeitschrift für Verbraucherpolitik 1.4, 1977, 359-372.

Dieter Witt: Blickverhalten und Erinnerung bei emotionaler Anzeigenwerbung – Eine experimentelle Untersuchung mit der Methode der Blickaufzeichnung. Diss. Saarbrücken 1977.




M. Wayne Alexander, Ben Judd: Do nudes in ads enhance brand recall? Journal of Advertising Research 18.1, 1978, 47-50.

Horst W. Brand: Die Legende von den "geheimen Verführern". Kritische Analysen zur unterschwelligen Wahrnehmung u. Beeinflussung (ursp. Diss. Univ. Köln 1976). Weinheim: Belz 1978.

Alice E. Courtney, Thomas W. Whipple: Canadian perspectives on sex stereotyping in advertising, Ottawa: Advisory Council on the Status of Women 1978.

G. R. Dowling: Sex-role Stereotypes of Women in Australian Magazine Advertising. Australian Journal of Management 3.1, April 1978, 65-77.

W. A. Fisher, D. Byrne: Sex differences in response to erotica? Love versus lust. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 36, 1978, 117-125.

Rötger Nötzel: Das Kindchenschema in der Werbung. Eine Untersuchung über Ansätze der Verhaltensforschung bei der Reaktion auf Werbemittel. Interview und Analyse 5, 1978, 305-311.

Lamberto Pignotti, Egidio Mucci: Marchio & Femmina. La donna inventata dalla pubblicità. Vallecchi 1978.

Gaye Tuchman: Introduction: The symbolic annihilation of women by the mass media. In Gaye Tuchman, Arlene Kaplan Daniels, James Benét (Hrsg.): Hearth and home. Images of women in the mass media. New York: Oxford University Press 1978;
Nachdruck in S. Cohen , J. Young (Hrsg.): The Manufacture of News. London: Constable 1981.

Gaye Tuchman, Arlene Kaplan Daniels, James Benét (Hrsg.): Hearth and home. Images of women in the mass media. New York: Oxford University Press 1978.




Mieke Ceulemans, Guido Fauconnier: Mass Media. The Image, Role and Condition of Woman. A Collection and Analysis of Research Material. Paris: Unesco 1979.

Heide Hering: Weibs-Bilder. Zeugnisse zum öffentlichen Ansehen der Frau. Ein hässliches Bilderbuch. Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag 1979; aktualisierte Neuauflage 1987.

Christiane Schmerl: Die Frau in der Werbung. Psychologie heute 6.2, 1979, 22-25.

D. Sciglimpaglia, M. A. Belch, R. F. Cain: Demographic and cognitive factors influencing viewers' evaluations of "sexy" advertisements. In W. L. Wilke (Hrsg.): Advances in consumer research, Vol. 6, Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Consumer Research, 1979, 62-66.

E. C. Strong: Prisoner of sex in advertising. In W. L. Wilkie (Hrsg.): Advances in consumer research, Vol. 6, Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Consumer Research 1979, 78-81.

Rolf-Michael Wimmer: Wiederholungswirkungen der Werbung – Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Auswirkung von Kontaktwiederholungen bei emotionaler Werbung. Diss. Saarbrücken 1979.

R. B. Weller, C. B. Roberts, C. Newhaus: A longitudinal study of the effects of erotic content upon advertising brand recall. In J. H. Leigh, C. R. Martin (Hrsg.): Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Vol. 1, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan 1979, 145-162.

R. D. Wilson, N. K. Moore: The role of sexually-oriented stimuli in advertising: Theory and literature review. In W. L. Wilkie (Hrsg.): Advances in consumer research, Vol. 6, Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Consumer Research 1979, 55-61.

Rolf-Michael Wimmer: Wiederholungswirkungen der Werbung - eine empirische Untersuchung zur Auswirkung von Kontaktwiederholungen bei emotionaler Werbung. Dissertation Saarbrücken 1979.




Helga Bilden: Geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation. In Klaus Hurrlemann, Dieter Ulich (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Sozialisierungsforschung. Weinheim: Beltz 1980.

M. Butler, W. Paisley: Women and the Mass Media. Source Book for Research and Action. New York: Human Sciences Press 1980.

Marie Jose Ceulemans: Women and mass media. A feminist perspective. A review of the research to date on the image and status of women in American mass media. Diss. Kath. Univ. Leuven 1980.

Lothar Bisky: Geheime Verführer. Geschäft mit Shows, Stars, Reklame, Horror, Sex. Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben 1980. 3. Aufl. 1982.

Regina Hastenteufel: Das Bild von Mann und Frau in der Werbung. Eine Inhaltsanalyse zur Geschlechtsspezifität der Menschendarstellung in der Anzeigenwerbung ausgewählter Zeitschriften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des alten Menschen. Diss. Univ. Bonn 1980.

Christiane Schmerl: Frauenfeindliche Werbung. Sexismus als heimlicher Lehrplan. Berlin: Elefanten-Press 1980: Reinbek: Rowohlt 1983.

Janice Winship: Advertising in Women's Magazines, 1956-74. University of Birmingham: Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 1980.




Michael A. Belch, Barbra E. Holgerson, George E. Belch, Jerry Koppman: Psychophysiological and Cognitive Responses to Sex in Advertising. In Andrew Mitchell (Hrsg.): Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 9, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research 1981, 424–427.

Joachim Kotelmann, Lothar Mikos: Frühjahrsputz und Südseezauber. Die Darstellung der Frau in der Fernsehwerbung und das Bewusstsein von Zuschauerinnen. Baden-Baden: E. Baur 1981.

Leonard N. Reid, Lawrence C. Soley: Another Look at the “Decorative“ Female Model: The Recognition of Visual and Verbal Ad Components. Current Issues and Research in Advertising 1981, 123-133.

J. Umiker-Sebeok: The seven ages of women: A view from American magazine advertisements. In Clara Mayo, Nancy M. Henley (Hrsg.): Gender and Nonverbal Behavior. New York: Springer-Verlag 1981, Chapter 11.

Michael Weisser: Die Frau in der Reklame. München: Coppenrath 1981;
2. Aufl. u. d. T.: Wirksam wirbt das Weib. Die Frau in der Reklame. Bild- und Textdokumente aus den Jahren 1827-1930. München: Marketing und Wirtschaft Verlags-Gesellschaft Flade + Partner 1985; erneut Bassum: Doell 2002.

Petra Wollschläger: Geschlechterstereotype in der Real- und Ideal-Einschätzung von Frauen, Männern und der eigenen Person. Ein Vergleich von Studentinnen aus der Frauenbewegung und anderen Studentinnen und Studenten. Diss. Univ. Köln 1979; Frankfurt, Bern: Lang 1981.




Philippe Ariès, André Béjin, Robin Fox, Michel Foucault: Séxualités occidentales. Paris: Seuil 1982;
dt.: Die Masken des Begehrens und die Metamorphosen der Sinnlichkeit. Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im Abendland. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1984, zahlreiche Auflagen.

Robert Hamilton, Robert, Brian Haworth, Nazli Sardar: Adman and Eve: An Empirical Study of the Relative Marketing Effectiveness of Traditional and Modern Portrayals of Women in Certain Mass-Media Advertisements. Lancaster: Lancaster University School of Management and Organisational Sciences 1982.

Paul J. Hensel: Sex in Print Advertising. A Psychological Typology. Diss. Univ. Houston, Texas 1982.

Wolfgang Krauss: Insertwirkungen im Werbefernsehen. Eine Untersuchung zum „Mainzelmänncheneffekt“. Diss. Saarbrücken 1981; Bochum: Brockmeyer 1982.

Werner Kroeber-Riel, Gundolf Meyer-Hentschel: Werbung. Steuerung des Konsumentenverhaltens. Würzburg: Physica-Verlag 1982. Reihe „Konsum und Verhalten“, Band 1.

Hans Mayer, Ute Däumer, Hermann Rühle: Werbepsychologie. Stuttgart: Poeschel 1982.

Angelika Neufeld: Das Geschäft mit der Sexualität. Die Verarbeitung sexueller Motive in der Werbung und ihre Ursachen in der Sozialgeschichte der Triebunterdrückung. Diplomarbeit Univ. Osnabrück 1982.

D. Richmond, T. P. Hartman: Sex appeal in advertising. Journal of Advertising Research 22.5, 1982, 53-61.

N. F. Russo, L. Feller, P. H. DeLeon: Sex role stereotypes in television advertising: Strategies for change in the 80’s. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 4, 1982, 117-134.




Alice E. Courtney, Thomas W. Whipple: Sex stereotyping in advertising. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books 1983, 2. Aufl. 1984.

G. Easton, C. Toner: Women in Industrial Advertisements. Industrial marketing management 12.2, 1983, 145-149.

Paula England, Teresa Gardner: Sex Differentiation in Magazine Advertisements: A Content Analysis Using Log-Linear Modeling. Current Issues and Research in Advertising 6.1, 1983, 253-268.

Geraldine Fennell, Susan Weber: Avoding Sex Role Stereotypes in Andvertising: What Questions should We Ask? Advances in Consumer Research 11, 1983, 88-93.

Ben B. Judd, M. Wayne Alexander: On the reduced effectiveness of some sexually suggestive ads. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 11.2, 1983, 156-168.

William E. Kilbourne: An Exploratory Study of Sex Roles in Advertising and Women's Perceptions of Managerial Attributes in Women. Advances in Consumer Research 11, 1983, 84-87.

S. Lysonski: Female and male portrayals in magazine advertisements: A re-examination. Akron Business and Economic Review 14.2, 1983, 45-50.

Gundolf Meyer-Hentschel: Aktivierungswirkungen von Anzeigen. Messverfahren für die Praxis. Würzburg: Physica-Verlag 1983.

Leonard N. Reid, Lawrence C. Soley: Decorative Models and the Readership of Magazine Ads. Journal of Advertising Research 23.2, 1983, 27–33.

Rudolf Schilling: Julia aus der Retorte. Tages-Anzeiger-Magazin, Nr. 49, 10.12.1983, 54-57.

Christiane Schmerl: Die Gewalt der Bilder – Frauenfotografie im Patriarchat. In: Feminismus. Inspektion der Herrenkultur. Frankfurt: Edition Suhrkamp Bd. 192, 1983.

Teresa A. Swartz: Role Portrayal Preferences for Print Advertisements. In Donald W. Jugenheimer (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 1983 Convention of the American Academy of Advertising, 1983, 112-115.

Sandra H. Utt: The Effect of sexual stereotyping in print advertising on brand name recall, sales point recall and buying attitude. An experimental study. Thesis Ohio Univ. 1983.

D. Wyndham: Australian Women: As Advertised Versus the Real Thing. Social Issues 18.3, August 1983, 182-190.




Marjorie J. Caballero, Paul J. Solomon: Effects of Model Attractiveness on Sales Response. Journal of Advertising, 13.1, 1984, 17-23.

Maureen Coughlin,  P. J. O'Connor : Gender Role Portrayals in Advertising: An Individual Difference Analysis. Advances in Consumer Research 12, 1984, 238-241.

K. Debevec. J. B. Kernan: More evidence on the effects of a presenter’s attractiveness: Some cognitive, affective and behavioral differences. Advances in Consumer Research 11. 1984, 127-132.

M. Flick: Invisible or lovely: Women in advertisements. Medai Information Australia 34, 1984, 23-34.

Eva Heller: Wie Werbung wirkt. Theorien und Tatsachen. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1984 (S. 55-74 zur Aktivierung).

M. Carole Macklin, Richard H. Kolbe: Sex Role Stereotyping in Children's Advertising: Current and Past Trends. Journal of Advertising 13.2, 1984, 34-42.

Christian Schmerl: Das Frauen- und Mädchenbild in der Werbung. Opladen: Leske und Budrich 1984.

M. E. Starr: The Marlboro Man: Cigarette Smoking and Masculinity in America. Journal of Popular Culture 17.4, 1984, 45-57.




D. M. Demetrulias, N. R. Rosenthal: Discrimination Against Females and Minorities in Microcomputer Advertising. Computers and the Social Sciences 1.2, April-June 1985, 91-95.

V. L. Ernster: Mixed Messages for Women: A Social History of Cigarette Smoking and Advertising. New York State Journal of Medicine 85. 7, July 1985, 335-340.

S. Lysonski: Role portrayals in British magazine advertisements. European Journal of Marketing 19.7, 1985, 37-55.

Susan R. Rossi, Joseph S. Rossi: Gender differences in the perception of women in magazine advertising. Archives of Sexual Behavior 12.9-10, 1985, 1033-1039.

Dieter Scheid: Psychophysiologische Aktivierung und Erinnerungsleistung als Reaktionen auf erotische Reize in der Anzeigenwerbung. Diss. Univ. Saarbrücken 1985.

Christiane Schmerl: In die Presse geraten. Darstellungen von Frauen in der Presse und Frauenarbeit in den Medien. Köln: Böhlau 1985.

L. A. Schwartz, W. T. Markham: Sex stereotyping in children’s toy advertisements. Sex Roles 12, 1985, 157-170.

Thomas W. Whipple, Alice E. Courtney: Female Role Portrayals in Advertising and Communication Effectiveness: A Review. Journal of Advertising, 14.3, 1985, 4-8, 17.




M. Wayne Alexander, Ben B. Judd: Differences in attitudes toward nudity in advertising. Psychology, A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior 23.1, 1986, 26-29.

Heide Wohlers, Monika Fuchs, Baerbel Becker: Die geheimen Verführerinnen. Frauen in der Werbung. Berlin: Elefanten-Press 1986.

Anita Fetz: "Frauenfeindliche Werbung muss einklagbar werden". Tages-Anzeiger 15.9.1986;
Antwort darauf von Jost Wirz: "Werbegesetze werden schnell zu Sittengesetzen", daselbst.

A. Gagnard: From feast to famine: Depiction of ideal body type in magazine advertising: 1950–1984.Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising 27, 1986, 461–470.

R. W. Pollay: The distorted mirror: Reflections on the unintended consequences of advertising. Journal of Marketing 50, April 1986, 18-36.

C. S. Saunders, B. A. Stead: Women's adoption of a business uniform: a content analysis of magazine advertisements. Sex Roles 15.3-4, 1986, 197-205.

Lawrence C. Soley, G Kurzbard: Sex in advertising: A comparison of 1964 and 1984 magazine advertisements. Journal of Advertising 15.3, 1986,46-54, 64.

Report on self-regulation by the broadcasting and advertising industries for the elimination of sex-role stereotyping in the broadcast media. Ottawa: Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission 1986.

B. Silverstein, L. Perdue, B. Peterson, E. Kelly: The role of the mass media in promoting a thin standard of bodily attractiveness for women. Sex Roles, 14, 1986, 519-532.




Diane Barthel: Putting on Appearances. Gender and Advertising. Philadelphia: Temple Publications 1987.

S. J. Gould: Gender Differences in Advertising Response and Self-Consciousness Variables. Sex Roles 16.5-6, 1987, 215.

Gabi Jeck-Schlottmann: Visuelle Informationsverarbeitung bei wenig involvierten Konsumenten. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Anzeigenbetrachtung mittels Blickaufzeichnung. Diss. Univ. Saarbrücken 1987.

Sut Jhally: The Codes of Advertising: Fetishism and the Political Economy of Meaning in the Consumer Society. London: Frances Pinter 1987.

B. Kaite: ‚Obsession' and Desire: Fashion and the Postmodern Scene. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 11.1-2, Winter-Spring, 1987, 84-89.

Hans Mathias Kepplinger: Darstellungseffekte. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Pressefotos und Fernsehfilmen. Freiburg: Alber 1987.

Thomas W. Leigh, Arno J. Rethans, Tamatha Reichenbach Whitney:. Role Portrayals of Women in Advertising: Cognitive Responses and Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research 27, (October/November1987, 54-63.

J. R. Lewis: Adam and Eve on Madison Avenue: Symbolic Inversion in Popular Culture. Studies in Popular Culture 10.1, 1987, 74-82.

R. T. Peterson: Bulemia and Anorexia in an Advertising Context. Journal of Business Ethics 6, August 1987, 495-504.

N. Schwarz: Cognitive Accessibility of Sex Role Concept and Attitudes Toward Political Participation: The Impact of Sexist Advertisements. Sex Roles 17.9-10, 1987, 593.

Sophie Sopha: Zum Thema Frau: Fleischkonsum wieder steigend. Werbewoche 39, 19.10.1987, 19.




Diane Barthel: Putting on appearances. Gender and advertising. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988.

K. Debevec, E. Iyer: Self-Referencing as a Mediator of the Effectiveness of Sex-Role Portrayals in Advertising. Psychology and Marketing 5.1, Spring 1988, 71-84.

R. Gill: Altered images? Women in the media. Social Studies Review 4.1, 1988.

Mary C. Gilly: Sex roles in advertising. A comparison of television advertisements in Australia, Mexico, and the United States: Journal of marketing 52.2, 1988, .75-85.

Joellen W. Hawkins, Cynthia S. Aber: The Content of Advertisements in Medical Journals: Distorting the Image of Women. Women and Health 14.2, Summer 1988, 43-59.

Kerstin Höhre: Das Bild der Frau in der Werbung anhand von zwei Illustrierten. Eine linguistische Analyse stereotyper Frauendarstellungen unter Berücksichtigung des visuellen Kontextes. Prüfungsarbeit Univ. Oldenburg 1988.

Gabi Jeck-Schlottmann: Anzeigenbetrachtung bei geringem Involvement. In: Marketing, Bd. 10 (1988), 1, 33-43.

J. Seabrook: Stereotypes in Advertising. New Society 83.1316, March 1988, 12-14.

Lawrence C. Soley, Leonard N. Reid: Taking it off: Are models in magazine ads wearing less? Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 65,1988, 960-966.

G. L. Sullivan,  P. J. O'Connor: Women's portrayals in magazine advertising: 1958-1983. Sex Roles 18.3-4, February 1988, 181-188.

S. F. Tinkham, Leonard N. Reid: Sex appeal in advertising revisited: Validation of a typology. In J. D. Leckenby (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 1988 conference of American academy of advertising. Austin, TX: American Academy of Advertising 1988, 118-123.




Marjorie J. Caballero, James R. Lumpkin, Charles S. Madden: Using Physical Attractiveness as an Advertising Tool: An Empirical Test of the Attraction Phenomenon. Journal of Advertising Research 29, August/September 1989, 16-22.

Pamela J. Creedon (Hrsg.): Women in Mass Communication. Challenging Gender Values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 1989; 2. Aufl. 1993.

D. R. Danielson: The Changing Figure Ideal in Fashion Illustration. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 8.1, 1989, 35-48.

James C. Garrett, David W. Harrison, Patti L. Kelly: Pupillometric assessment of arousal to sexual stimuli: Novelty effects or preference? Archives of Sexual Behavior 18.3, 1989, 191-201.

L. Lazier-Smith, L. (1989). Advertising:Women’s place and image. In Pamela J. Creedon (Hrsg.): Women in mass communication: Challenging gender values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 1989; 2. Aufl. 1993.

Gitta Mühlen-Achs (Hrsg.): Bildersturm. Frauen in den Medien. München: Frauenoffensive 1989.

M. Renov: Advertising/ Photojournalism/ Cinema: The Shifting Rhetoric of Forties Female Representation. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 11.1, 1989, 1-21.

W. J. Ruth, H. S. Mosatche, A. Kramer: Freudian sexual symbolism: Theoretical considerations and an empirical test in advertising. Psychological Reports 64, 1989, 1131-1139.

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Hans-Bernd Brosius. Joachim F. Staab,: Emanzipation in der Werbung? Die Darstellung von Frauen und Männern in der Anzeigenwerbung des Stern von 1969 bis 1988. Publizistik 35.3, 1990, 292-303.

Guy Cumberbatch: Television advertising and sex role stereotyping. A content analysis. London: Broadcasting Standards Council, Research working paper  4, 1990.

Jill Hicks Ferguson, Peggy J. Kreshel, Spencer F. Tinkham: In the pages of Ms: Sex role portrayals of women in advertising. Journal of Advertising 19.1, 1990, 40-51.

B. J. Fox: Selling the Mechanized Household: 70 Years of Ads in Ladies Home Journal. Gender and Society 4.1, March 1990, 25-40.

C. Janiszweski: The influence of print advertisement organization on affect toward a brand name. J. of Consumer Research 17, 1990, 53-65.

C. Janiszweski: The influence of non-attended material on the processing of advertising claims. J. of market Research 27, 1990, 263-278.

C. R. Jasper, M. L. Klassen: Stereotypical beliefs about appearance: Implications for retailing and consumer issues.Perceptual and Motor Skills 71, 1990, 519–528.

M. A. Kamins: An investigation into the match-up hypothesis in celebrity advertising: When beauty may be only skin deep. Journal of Advertising 19, 1990, 4-13.

D. Kervin: Advertising Masculitiy: The Representation of Males in Esquire Advertisements. Journal of Communication Inquiry 14.1, 1990, 51-70.

William E. Kilbourne: Female Stereotyping in Advertising. An Experiment on Male-Female Perceptions of Leadership. Journalismus Quarterly 67.1, 1990, 25-31.

J. Kilbourne: Beauty … and the Beast of Advertising. Media and Values 49, 1990.

M. S. Latour: Female Nudity in Print Advertising: An Analysis of Gender Differences in Arousal and Ad Response. Psychology and Marketing 7.1, 1990, 65-81.

M. S. Latour, R. E. Pitts, D. C. Snook-Luther: Female Nudity, Arousal and Ad Response: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Advertising 19.4, 1990, 51-62.

Linda L. Lindsey: Advertising. In Linda L. Lindsey (Hrsg.): Gender Roles. A Sociological Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1970; 3. Aufl. 1997, 312-317; 4. Aufl. 2005.

J. McAleer: Scenes from Love and Marriage: Mills and Boon and the Popular Publishing Industry in Britain, 1908-1950. Twentieth Century British History (Great Britain) 1.3, 1990, 264-288.

P. C. N. Michell, W. Taylor: Polarising Trends in Female Role Portrayals in UK Advertising. European Journal of Marketing 24.5, 1990, 41-49.

Carol Moog: Are They Selling Her Lips? Advertising and Identity. New York, Morrow 1990.

K. Peirce: A feminist theoretical perspective on the socialization of teenage girls through Seventeen magazine. Sex Roles, 23, 1990, 491-500.

Jessica Severn, George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch: The Effects of Sexual and Non-Sexual Advertising Appeals and Information Level on Cognitive Processing and Communication Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 19, 1990, 14-22

Sally Shuttleworth: Female Circulation: Medical Discourse and Popular Advertising in the Mid-Victorian Era. In Mary Jacobus, Evelyn Fox Keller, Sally Shuttleworth (Hrsg.): Body/ Politics. Women and the Discourses of Science. New York: Routledge 1990, 47-68.

Gloria Steinem: Sex, Lies, and Advertising. MS Magazine, July/August 1990; reprinted in the MS Magazine, Spring 2002;
Nachdruck in: Moving Beyond Words. A Postmodern View of Advertising and Consumer Responses. New York: Simon & Schuster 1994, 130-168; also in N. Love (Hrsg.): The Mercury Reader. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing 2001, 232-251.

Keiko Tanaka: 'Intelligent Elegance': Women in Japanese Advertising. In Eyal Ben-Ari et al. (Hrsg.): Unwrapping Japan: Society and Culture in Anthropological Perspective. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press/ Manchester: Manchester University Press 1990, 78-96; paperback 1991, 1994.

Volker Wickel: Nackte Tatsachen. Das Frauenbild in der Werbung. Bonn: Aufl. ZAW 1990, 2. Aufl. 1993.

Naomi Wolf: The Beauty Myth. London: Chatto & Windus 1990; New York: W. Morrow 1991; erneut: Harper Perennial 2002;
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D. A. Yanni: The Social Construction of Women as Mediated by Advertising. Journal of Communication Theory 14.1, Winter 1990, 71-81.




Penny Belknap, Wibert Leonard II: A Conceptual Replications of Erving Goffman’s Study of Gender Advertisements. Sex Roles 25.3-4, 1991, 103-118.

J. J. Boddewyn: Controlling Sex and Decency in Advertising Around the World. Journal of Advertising 20.4, December 1991, 25-35.

R. F. Bogardus: Tea Wars: Advertising Photography and Ideology in the Ladies' Home Journal in the 1890s. Prospects 16, 1991, 297-322.

C. S. Clark: Advertising Under Attack: Critics Organize Around Race, Sex, Health and the Environment. CQ Researcher 1, September 1991, 659-679.

Birgit Egbers: Das neue Frauenbild in der Werbung. Zum offensiven Selbstverständnis der Frauen im Umgang mit übernommenen Rollenklischees. Diplomarbeit Berlin 1991.

J. B. Ford, M. S. LaTour, W. J. Lundstrom: Contemporary women's evaluation of female role portrayals in advertising. Journal of Consumer Marketing 8, Winter 1991, 15-28

R. Heiskala: How to Be a Virtuous Male/ Female: The Politics of Gender in Advertisements in Some Finnish Magazines in 1955 and 1985. Semiotica 87.3-4, 1991, 381-409.

M. Jones: Gender stereotyping in advertisements. Teaching of Psychology 18, 1991, 231-233.

M. L. Richins: Social Comparison and the Idealized Images of Advertising. Journal of Consumer Research 18, June 1991, 71-83.

B. Six, T. Eckes:  A closer look at the complex structure of gender stereotypes. Sex Roles 24, 1991, 57-71.

S. G. Sverdup, E. Sto: Regulation of Sex Discrimination in Advertising: An Empirical Inquiry into the Norwegian Case. Journal of Consumer Policy 14.4, 1991-1992, 371-391.

Charles Wiles, Anders Tjernlund: A Comparison of Role Portrayal of Men and Women in Magazine Advertising in the USA and Sweden. International Journal of Advertising 10, 1991, 259-267.




Diane Barthel: When men put on appearances: advertising and the social construction of masculinity. In Steve Craig (Hrsg.) Men, Masculinity and the Media. London: Sage 1992.

Jane D. Brown, Nancy Buerkel-Rothfuss, Bradley S. Greenberg (Hrsg.): Media, Sex and the Adolescent. Hampton Press 1992.

C. Cornuejols: Gender Roles in French Advertisements in the 1980s. French Review 66.2, 1992, 201-215.

K. Covell: The Appeal of Image Advertisements: Age, Gender, and Product Differences. Journal of Early Adolescence 12.1, February 1992, 46-60.

S. Craig (Hrsg.): Men, Masculinity, and the Media. Research on Men and Masculinities. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 1992.

S. DeYoung, F. G. Crane: Females' Attitudes Toward the Portrayal of Women in Advertising: A Canadian Study. International Journal of Advertising 11.3, Summer 1992, 249-255.

S. J. Gould: The production, marketing, and consumption of sexually explicit material in our sexually conflicted society: A public policy dilemma. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 11, Fall 1992, 135-148.

L. Percy, J. R. Rossiter: Advertising stimulus effects: A review. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising 14.1, 1992, 75-90.

V. Prakash: Sex Roles and Advertising Preferences. Journal of Advertising Research 32.3, May-June 1992, 43-52.

L. F. Rakow: 'Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful': Feminist Resistance to Advertising's Irresistible Meanings. Southern Communication Journal 57.2, Winter 1992, 132-142.

William Rudman, Akiko Hagiwara: Sexual Exploitation in Advertising Health and Wellness Products. Women and Health 18, 1992, 77-89.

Christiane Schmerl (Hrsg.): Frauenzoo der Werbung. Aufklärung über Fabeltiere. München: Verlag Frauenoffensive 1992.

Michael R. Solomon, Richard D. Ashmore, Laura C. Longo: The Beauty Match-Up Hypothesis: Congruence Between Types of Beauty and Product Images in Advertising. Journal of Advertising 21, December 1992, 23-34.

J. N. Stull: The Maidenform Campaign: Reaffirming the Feminine Ideal. Connecticut Review 14.1, 1992, 1-7.




Linda J. Busby, Greg Leichty: Feminism and Advertising in Traditional and Nontraditional Women’s Magazines 1950s-1980s.Journalism Quarterly 70.2, 1993, 247-265.

M. Classen, C. Jasper, A. Schwartz: Men and Women: Images of Their Relationship in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Advertising Research 33.2, 1993, 30-39.

J. A. Costa, R. W. Belk: Research in Consumer Behavior. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press 1993.
M. M. Elbert: Mary Wilkins Freeman's Devious Women, Harper's Bazar, and the Rhetoric of Advertising. Essays in Literature 20. 2, Fall, 1993, 251-272.

J. B. Ford, M. S. LaTour: Differing reactions to female role portrayals in advertising. Journal of Advertising Research 33, September/ October 1993, 43-52.

Doris-Louise Haineault, Jena-Yves Roy: L’inconscient qu’on affiche. Un essai psychanalytique sur la fascination publicitaire. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne 1984;
dt.: Unconscious for sale. Advertising, psychoanalysis, and the public. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press 1993.

Joellen W. Hawkins, Cynthia S. Aber: Women in advertisements in medical journals. Sex Roles 28.3-4, 1993, 233-242.

Michael L. Klassen, Cynthia R. Jasper, Anne M. Schwartz: Men and Women: Images of Their Relationship in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Advertising 30, March-April 1993.

M. S. LaTour, T. L. Henthorne: Female nudity: Attitudes toward the ad and the brand, and implications for advertising strategy. Journal of Consumer Marketing 10.3, 1993, 25-32.

Wanda Leppard, Shirley Maile Ogletree, Emily Wallen: Gender stereotyping in medical advertising: much ado about something? Sex Roles 29, 1993.

M. C. Martin, P. F. Kennedy: Advertising and social comparison: Consequences for female preadolescents and adolescents. Psychology and Marketing 10, November/ December 1993, 513-530.

R. W. Pollay, S. Lysonski: In the Eye of the Beholder: International Differences in Ad Sexism Perceptions and Reactions. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 6.2, 1993, 25-43.

William Rudman, Patty Verdi: Exploitation: Comparing Sexual and Violent Imagery of Females and Males in Advertising. Women and Health 20.4, 1993,1-20.

Christiane Schmerl: Neue Frauen, (k)alter Kaffee: das Frauenbild der Werbung in den 90ern. In Ursula Nuber (Hrsg.): Wir wollten alles ... was haben wir nun? Eine Zwischenbilanz der Frauenbewegung. Zürich: Kreuz 1993, 99-119.

Barbara Stern: Feminist Literary Criticism and the Deconstruction of Ads: A Postmodern View of Advertising and Consumer Responses. Journal of Consumer Research 19, March 1993.

B. Vacker, W. R.  Key: Beauty and the Beholder: The Pursuit of Beauty through Commodities. Psychology and Marketing 10.6, November-December 1993, 471-494.

H. G. Warlaumont: Visual grammars of gender: The gaze and psychoanalytic theory in advertisements. Journal of Communication Inquiry 17.1, 1993, 25-40.




Kristine Blair: Selling the self: Women and the feminine seduction of advertising. Women and Language 17, Spring 1994, 20-26.

K. Covell: Gender Differences in Evaluations of Tobacco and Alcohol Advertisements. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 26.3, 1994, 404-420.

G. Eleen: Babes in Toyland: Learning an Ideology of Gender,” Advances in Consumer Research 21.1, 1994, 359–365.

B. G. Englis, M. R. Solomon: Beauty Before the Eyes of the Beholders: The Cultural Encoding of Beauty Types in Magazine Advertising. Journal of Advertising 23.2, June 1994, 49-64.

S. J. Gould: Sexuality and ethics in advertising: A research agenda and policy guideline perspective. Journal ofAdvertising, 23.3, 1994, 73-80.

I. A. Greenlees: Sex and Age Differences in Preferences and Tactics of Mate Attraction: Analysis of Published Advertisements. Ethology and Sociobiology 15.2, 1994, 59-72.

Jack Haberstroh: Ice cube sex. The truth about subliminal advertising. Notre Dame: Cross Cultural Publications, Cross Roads Books 1994.

J. A. Isaak: The Future of Disillusion: Sex, Truth, and Photography. Art Journal 53, Summer 1994, 45-52.

L. J. Jaffe, P. D.  Berger: The Effect of Modern Female Sex Role Portrayals on Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research 34 .4, July-August 1994, 32-42.

Jean Kilbourne: Still Killing Us Softly: Advertising and the Obsession with Thinness. In P. Fallon, M. A. Katzman (Hrsg.): Feminist Perspectives on Eating Disorders.. New York: Guilford Press 1994, 395-418.

M. S. Latour, T .L. Henthorne: Female Nudity in Advertisements, Arousal and Response: A Parsimonious Extension. Psychological Reports 75, 1994, 1683-1690.

M. S. LaTour, T. L. Henthorne: Ethical judgments of sexual appeals in print advertising. Journal of Advertising 23.3, 1994, 81-90.

Lori Anne Loeb: Consuming Angels. Advertising and Victorian Women. New York: Oxford University Press 1994.

L. Manca, A. Manca (Hrsg.): Gender and Utopia in Advertising: A Critical Reader. Lisle, IL: Procopian Press 1994.

M. C. Martin, P. F.  Kennedy: The Measurement of Social Comparison to Advertising Models: A Gender Gap Revealed. In J. A. Costa (Hrsg.): Gender Issues and Consumer Behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 1994, 104-124.

Carol Moog: Ad Images and the Stunting of Sexuality. In R. F. Fox (Hrsg.): Images in Language, Media, and Mind. Urbanna, IL: National Council of Teachers of English 1994, 152-169.

L. Percy, L. M. R.  Lautman: Advertising, Weight Loss, and Eating Disorders. In E. M. Clark, T. C. Brock (Hrsg.): Attention, Attitude, and Affect in Response to Advertising. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum 1994, 301-311.

Leslie W. Rabine: Die zwei Körper der Frau. Modemagazine, Konsumkultur und Feminismus. In: Texte zur Kunst. Sexismen. 1994, 4. Jahrgang, Nr. 15.

Christiane Schmerl: Die schönen Leichen aus Chromdioxyd und Papier: Frauenbilder in der Werbung. In Marie-Luise Angerer, Johanna Dorer (Hrsg.): Gender und Medien. Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Befunde und Praxis der Massenkonmmunikation. Wien 1994, 134-151.

Debray Lynn Stevens, Ronald Paul Hill, C. Hanson: The beauty myth and female consumers: The controversial role of advertising. The Journal of Consumer Affairs 28.1, Summer 1994, 137-153.

E. Stice, H. E. Shaw: Adverse effects of the media portrayed thin-ideal on women and linkages to bulimic symptomatology. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 13, 1994, 288-308.

Liesbet van Zoonen (Hrsg.): Feminist Media Studies. London, Thousand Oaks CA: Sage 1994.

Y. C. Zotos: Gender Representations: The Case of Greek Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Euro-Marketing 3.2, 1994, 27-47.




C. L. Cole: Celebrity Feminism: Nike Style (Advertising Strategies), Post-Fordism, Transcendence, and Consumer Power. Sociology of Sport Journal 12.4, 1995, 347-369.

Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez (Hrsg.): Gender, Race, and Class in Media. A Text-Reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage 1995; erneut 2002; 2. Aufl. 2003.

A. Elash: The Shock Effect: Advertisers Face a Backlash Over Sexual Images. Maclean's 108.2, October 1995, 36f.

R. Elliott et al.: Overt Sexuality in Advertising: A Discourse Analysis of Gender Responses. Journal of Consumer Policy 18.2-3, June 1995, 187-217.

W. F. Grazer, G. Keesling: The effect of print advertising's use of sexual themes on brand recall and purchase intention: A product specific investigation of male responses. Journal of Applied Business Research 11.3, 1995, 47-58.

T. L. Henthorne: A Model to Explore the Ethics of Erotic Stimuli in Print Advertising. Journal of Business Ethics 14.7, 1995, 561-569.

J. H: Huang: National Character and Sex Roles in Advertising. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 7.4, 1995, 81-96.

M. F. Jacobson, L. A.  Mazur:  Sexism and sexuality in advertising. In M. F. Jacobson, L. A. Mazur (Hrsg.): Marketing madness. A survival guide for a consumer society. Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1995, 74-87.

Kyra Lanis, Katherine Covell: Images of Women in Advertisements: Effects on Attitudes Related to Sexual Aggression. Sex Roles 22.9-10, 1995, 639-649.

C. Lewis, J. Neville: Images of Rosie: A content analysis of women workers in American magazine advertising, 1940-1946. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 72.1, 1995, 216-227.

Myra Macdonald: Representing women. Myths of femininity in the popular media. London: Arnold 1995.

R. Martin: 'Feel Like a Million!' The Propitious Epoch in Men's Underwear Imagery, 1939-1952. Journal of American Culture 18.4, Winter 1995, 51-58.

M. C. d. S. Martins: Humor & Eroticism in Advertising. San Diego, CA: San Diego State University Press 1995.

G. McGregor: Gender Advertisements Then and Now: Goffman, Symbolic Interactionism, and the Problem of History. Studies in Symbolic Interaction 17, 1995, 3-42.

L. A. Rudman, E. Borgida: The afterglow of construct accessibility: The behavioral consequences of priming men to view women as sexual objects. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 31, 1995, 493–517.

S. M. Smith, C. P. Haugtvedt, J. M. Jadrich, M. R. Anton: Understanding responses to sex appeals in advertising: An individual difference approach. In F. Kardes & M. Sujan (Eds.), Advances in consumer research, Vol. 22, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research 1995, 735-739.

Judith A. Wiles, Charles R. Wiles, Anders Tjernlund: A comparison of gender role portrayals in magazine advertising The Netherlands, Sweden and the USA. European Journal of Marketing 29.11, 1995, 35-49.




A. Arvidsson: From Housewife to Person: Luhmannian Systems Theory and the Semantics of Authenticity in Advertising. Recherches Sociologiques 27.2, 1996, 99-114.

Helen Baehr, Ann Grey (Hrsg.): Turning it on. A reader in women and mass media. London: Hodder Headline 1996.

B. Green: Advertising Feminism: Ornamental Bodies/Docile Bodies and the Discourse of Suffrage. In K. J. H. Dettmar, S. Watt.(Hrsg.): Marketing Modernisms. Self-Promotion, Canonization, Rereading. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press 1996, 191-220.

Ruth Grossmass, Christiane Schmerl (Hrsg.): Leitbilder, Vexierbilder und Bildstörungen. Über die Orientierungsleistung von Bildern in der feministischen Geschlechterdebatte. Frankfurt am Main: Campus 1996.

K. Hutchings: The Battle for Consumer Power: Post-War Women and Advertising. Journal of Australian Studies 50-51, 1996, 66-77.

R. H. Kolbe, P. J. Albanese: Man to man: A content analysis of sole male images in male-audience magazines. Journal of Advertising 25, 1996, 1-20.

Sue Lafky, Margaret Duffy, Mary Steinmaus, Dan Berkowitz: Looking Through Gendered Lenses: Female Stereotype in Advertisements and Gender Role Expectations. Journalismus Quarterly 73, Summer 1996, 379-387.

Alastair McIntosh: From Eros to Thanatos. Cigarette advertising's imagery of violation as an icon into British cultural psychopathology.  Edinburgh: Centre for Human Ecology, University of Edinburgh 1996.

D. Montgomerie: Reassessing Rosie: World War II, New Zealand Women and the Iconography of Femininity. Gender and History 8.1, April 1996, 108-132.

Sean Nixon: Hard Looks: Masculinities, the Visual and Practices of Consumption in the 1980s. Thesis Open Univ. Milton Keynes 1994; New York: St. Martin's Press 1996; erneut London: Routledge 2003.

F. Piron, M. Young: Consumer advertising in Germany and the United States: A study of sexual explicitness and cross-gender contact. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 8, 1996, 211-228.

Patrick De Pelsmacker, M Geuens: The Communication Effects of Warmth, Eroticism and Humor in Alcohol Advertisements. Journal of Marketing Communications 2, 1996, 247-262.

Regina de Riese: Das (Haus-)Frauenbild in der Werbung der Massenmedien. 1996.

Dave Saunders: Best ads. Sex in advertising. London: Batsford 1996.

P. M. Simpson, S. Horton, G. Brown: Male Nudity in Advertisements: A Modified Replication and Extension of Gender and Product Effects, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science  24.3, 1996, 257-262.

H. Studdert: 'Her Puddings Bored Her Husband': Advertising and the Construction of Gender in Australian Women's Magazines, 1920-1939. Melbourne Historical Journal (Australia) 24, 1996, 67-86.

James B. Twitchell: AdCult USA. The Triumph of Advertising in American Culture. New York: Columbia University Press 1996.

Liesbet van Zoonen: Feminist perspectives on the media. In James Curran, Michael Gurevitch (Hrsg.): Mass Media and Society. London: Arnold 1996.




L. L. Behling: Fisher's Bodies: Automobile Advertisements and the Framing of Modern American Female Identity. The Centennial Review 41.3, 1997, 515-529.

Katherine Covell, Natalie J. Mackay: The impact of women in advertisements on attitudes toward women. Sex Roles 36, 1997.

Thomas Eckes: Geschlechterstereotype. Frau und Mann in sozialpsychologischer Sicht. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus 1997.

Tim Edwards: Men in the Mirror: Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society. London: Cassell 1997.

Annegret Friedrich, Birgit Haehnel, Christina Threuter (Hrsg.): Projektionen. Rassismus und Sexismus in der Visuellen Kultur. Marburg 1997.

Katherine Toland Frith (Hrsg.): Undressing the Ad. Reading Culture in Advertising. New York: Peter Lang 1997.

Jennifer Garst, Galen V. Bodenhausen: Advertising's Effects on Men's Gender Role Attitudes. Sex Roles 36.9-10, May 1997, 551-572.

K. Harrison, J. Cantor: The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders.Journal of Communication 47, 1997, 40–67.

E. Henderson-King, D. Henderson-King: Media Effect on Women's Body Esteem: Social and Individual Difference Factors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27.5, March, 1997, 399-417.

M. Y. Jones, A. Stanaland, B. D. Gelb: Beefcake and cheesecake: Insights for advertisers. Journal of Advertising 27.2, 1998, 33-51.

Mee-Eun Kang: The portrayal of women's images in magazine advertisements: Goffman's gender analysis revisited. Sex Roles 37, 1997, 979-997.

Richard H. Kolbe, Paul J. Albanese: The Functional Integration of Sole-Male Images into Magazine Advertisements. Sex Roles, June, 36.11-12, June 1997, 813-836.

J. Kurtz: Dream Girls: Women in Advertising. USA Today 125, 1997, 70-79.

N. J. MacKay, K. Covell: The Impact of Women in Advertisements on Attitudes Toward Women. Sex Roles 36.9-10, May 1997, 573-583.

M. C. Martin, J. W. Gentry: Stuck in the Model Trap: The Effects of Beautiful Models in Ads on Female Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents. Journal of Advertising, 26.2, 1997, 19-34.

Klaus Moser: Sex-Appeal in der Werbung. Göttingen: Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie 1997.

J. L. Paff, H. B.  Lakner: Dress and the Female Gender Role in Magazine Advertisements of 1950-1994: A Content Analysis. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 26.1, September 1997, 29-58.

V. R. Shields: Selling the Sex that Sells: Mapping the Evolution of Gender In B. R. Burleson, A. W. Kunkel et al. (Hrsg.): Advertising Research Across Three Decades. Communication Yearbook 20. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 1997, 71-109.

T. Stephenson: Sell Me Some Prestige! The Portrayal of Women in Business-Related Ads. Journal of Popular Culture 30.4, 1997, 255-271.

N. Zhou, M. Y. T. Chen: A content analysis of men and women in Canadian consumer magazine advertising: Today's portrayal, yesterday's image? Journal of Business Ethics 16, 1997, 485-495.




Carol E. Dietrich: Stalking Women's Stockings: Opaque Wisdom or Sheer Nonsense? In Anne C. Hall (Hrsg.): Delights, Desires, and Dilemmas: Essays on Women and the Media. Westort, Praeger 1998.

J. Dilevko, R. M. Harris: Information Technology and Social Relations: Portrayal of Gender Roles in High Tech Product Advertisements. Journal of American Society for Information Science 48.8, August 1998, 718-727.

A. Crouch, D. Degelman: Influence of Female Body Images in Printed Advertising on Self-Ratings of Physical Attractiveness by Adolescent Girls. Perception and Motor Skills 87.2, October 1998, 585-586.

A. First: Nothing New Under the Sun? A Comparison of Images of Women in Israeli Advertisements in 1979 and 1994. Sex Roles 38.11-12, June 1998, 1065-1077.

J. B. Ford, P. K. Vooli, E. D. Honeycutt, S. L. Casey: Gender role portrayals in Japanese advertising: A magazine content analysis. Journal of Advertising 27, Spring 1998, 113-124.

Michael Franke: Erotik in der Werbung. Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule Nordostniedersachsen, Lüneburg 1998/99.

Claudia Hansen: Das Bild der Frau in Produktreklame und Kunst. Kulturdokumente des Beiersdorf-Firmenarchivs. Tostedt: Attikon-Verlag 1998.

Andrea Lange Das Kodak Girl - eine Ikone der Werbung in Urlaubsstimmung. In: Frauen, Kunst, Wissenschaft, Halbjahreszeitschrift 11/1998, Heft 26, 66-77.

Maria Michelle Morrison, David R. Shaffer: Gender-role congruence and self-referencing as determinants of advertising effectiveness. Sex Roles 18, 1998.

Juliann Sivulka: Soap, sex and cigarettes. A cultural history of American advertising. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth 1998.

C. K. Warsh: Smoke and Mirrors: Gender Representations in North American Tobacco and Alcohol Advertisements Before 1950. Histoire Sociale: Social History 31.62, November 1998, 183-222.




Nancy Artz, Jeanne Munger, Warren Purdy: Gender Issues in Advertising Language’, Women and Language 22.2, Fall 1999, 20-26.

Meta G. Carstarphen, Susan C. Zavoina (Hrsg.): Sexual Rhetoric. Media Perspectives on Sexuality, Gender, and Identity. Westprot, CT: Greenwood Press 1999.

Anthony J. Cortese: Provocateur. Images of women and minorities in advertising. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield 1999; 2. Aufl. 2004.

Sid C. Dudley: Consumer Attitudes Toward Nudity in Advertising. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 7.4, 1999, 89-96.

Thilo Girndt: Sex Sells!? Ein Experiment zur Wirkung weiblicher erotischer Stimuli auf Männer und Frauen in der Kinowerbung. Hannover, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Diplomarbeit 1999.

M. K. Hogg, M. Bruce: Female Images in Advertising: The Implications of Social Comparisons for Marketing. International Journal of Advertising 18.4, 1999, 445-473.

Jean Kilbourne: Deadly Persuasion. New York: Free Press 1999;
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J. Lambiase, Tom Reichert, S. E. Morgan, M. Carstarphen, S. Zavoina: Beefcake or cheesecake? No matter how you slice it, sexual explicitness in advertising continues to increase. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 76, 1999, 7-20.

Howard Lavine, Donna Sweeney, Stephen H. Wagner: Depicting Women as Sex Objects in Television Advertising: Effects on Body Dissatisfaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25.8, August 1999, 1049-1058.

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Siegfried J. Schmidt, Guido Zurstiege: Starke Männer, schöne Frauen: Geschlechterklischees in der Werbung. In Andrea Gutenberg, Ralf Schneider (Hrsg.): Gender - Culture - Poetics. Zur Geschlechterforschung in der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft; Festschrift für Natascha Würzbach. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 1999, 227-246.

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Peter N. Backe: The role of fashion supermodels in advertising. PhD. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford, Faculty of Management Studies, 2000.

Heidrun Baumann: "Frauen-Bilder" in den Medien. Zur Rezeption von Geschlechterdifferenzen. Münster: Daedalus-Verlag 2000.

Simone Weil Davis: Living Up th the Ads. Gender Fictions of the 1920s. Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2000.

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Christian Hanke: Sexuelle Schlüsselreize und ihre Anwendung in der Werbung. Diplomarbeit an der Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin 2000.

Steven Heller (Hrsg.): Sex appeal. The art of allure in graphic and advertising design. New York: Allworth 2000.

Dora Horvath: Bitte recht weiblich. Frauenleitbilder in der deutschen Zeitschrift Brigitte 1949-1982. Zürich: Chronos 2000.

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B. Mittal, W. M. Lassar: Sexual liberalism as a determinant of consumer response to sex in advertising. Journal of Business and Psychology 15, 2000, 111-127.

Tom Reichert, S. E. Morgan, R. Mortensen: Seductive branding: Sexualizing women to sell brands in advertising. Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives 7, 2000, 40-44.

Tom Reichert, A. Ramirez, A. (2000). Defining sexually oriented appeals in advertising: A grounded theory investigation. In S. J. Hoch, R. J. Meyer (Hrsg.): Advances in consumer research, Vol. 27,. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 2000, 267-273.

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Jennifer Scanlon (Hrsg.): The Gender and Consumer Culture Reader. New York: New York University Press 2000.

Christiane Schmerl et al. (Hrsg.): Sexuelle Szenen. Inszenierungen von Geschlecht und Sexualität in modernen Gesellschaften. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2000.

Renate Timm-Behme: Das Frauenbild in der Werbung und weibliche Identität. Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen, Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik, 2000.




Amanda B. Bower: Highly Attractive Models in Advertising and the Women Who Loathe Them: The Implications of Negative Affect for Spokesperson Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising 30.3, 2001, 51-63.

James D. Brown, Jeanne R. Steele, Kim Walsh-Childers (Hrsg.): Sexual Teens, Sexual Media: Investigating Media's Influence on Adolescent Sexuality. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum 2001.

Anne M. Cronin: Advertising and Consumer Citizenship: Gender, Images and Rights. London: Routledge 2001.

Gabriele Huster: Wilde Frische – zarte Versuchung. Männer- und Frauenbild auf Werbeplakaten der fünfziger bis neunziger Jahre. Marburg: Jonas 2001.

Tom Reichert, S. E. Heckler, S. Jackson: The effects of sexual social marketing appeals on cognitive processing and persuasion. Journal ofAdvertising, 30.1, 2001,13-27.





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Mathias Marschik, Johanna Dorer: Sexismus (in) der Werbung. Geschlecht, Reklame und Konsum. Medien-Impulse, Dezember 2002, 37-44.

Tom Reichert: Sex in advertising research: A review of content, effects, and functions of sexual information in consumer advertising. Annual Review of Sex Research 2002.

Deana A. Rohlinger: Eroticizing men: cultural influences on advertising and male objectification. Sex Roles 2002.

Christiane Schmerl: „Tais-toi et sois belle!“. 20 Jahre Geschlechterinszenierung in fünf westdeutschen Printmedien. Publizistik 47.4, 2002, 388-411.

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Julie Napoli, Marie Murgolo-Poore, Ian Boudville: Female Gender Images in Adolescent Magazine Advertising. Australasian Marketing Journal 11.1, 2003, 60-69.

Tom Reichert et al. (Hrsg.): Sex in Advertising. Perspectives in the Erotic Appeal. Mahwah, N. J.: Erlbaum 2003.

Tom Reichert: The Erotic History of Advertising. Amherst, N. Y.: Prometheus Books 2003.

J. E. Schroeder, J. L. Borgerson, J. L. (2003). Dark desires: Fetishism, ontology, and representation in contemporary advertising. In Tom Reichert et al. (Hrsg.): Sex in Advertising: Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal. Mahwah, N. J.: Erlbaum 2003, 65-87.

Kim Bartel Sheenan: Controversies in Contemporary Advertising. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2003.




John Battice Ford: A prescriptive essay concerning sex role portrayals in international advertising contexts. American business review 22.1, 2004, .42-55.

Mary-Lou Galician: Sex, love & romance in the mass media. Analysis & criticism of unrealistic portrayals & their influence. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum 2004.

Michael Gommel: Der „Andere“ in der zeitgenössischen humanbiologischen Wirklichkeit. Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen zum humanbiologischen Menschenbild im 20. Jahrhundert in Deutschland. Diss. Univ. Ulm 2004; darin Kap.: Vom Faktum zum Datum: das Kindchenschema als Beispiel für das Überleben von erfundenen Diskurs-Konstrukten in der humanbiologischen Wirklichkeit, 180- 185.

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Joann Peck, Barbara Loken: When Will Larger-Sized Female Models in Advertisements Be Viewed Positively? The Moderating Effects of Instructional Frame, Gender, and Need for Cognition. Psychology & Marketing 21.6, June 2004, 425–442.

Nigel K. Ll. Pope, Kevin E. Voges, Mark R. Brown: The Effect of Provocation in the Form of Mild Erotica to the Ad and Corporate Image: Differences Between Cause-Related and Product-Based Advertising. Journal of Advertising 33.1, 2004, 69-82.

Sanjay Putrevu: Communicating with the Sexes: Male and Female Responses to Print Advertisements. Journal of Advertising 33.3, 2004, 51-62.

Tom Reichert, Courtney Carpenter: An Update on Sex Magazine Advertising 1983 to 2003. Journalism & masscommunication quarterly 81.4, 2004, 823-837.

Christiane Schmerl: „Kluge“ Köpfe – „dumme“ Körper? Einige Wirkungen der Kopfbetonung bei männlichen und der Körperbetonung bei weiblichen Pressefotos. Publizistik 49.1, 2004, 48-65.

Rodger Streitmatter: Sex sells! The media's journey from repression to obsession. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press 2004.




Karolien Poels: Changing roles, changing preferences? The dual impact of gender identity on preferences for sex specific advertising stimuli. Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Dep. of Applied Economics, Research report 0548. Leuven 2005.


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