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Soziale Mobilität - Migration - soziale Schichtung

Social mobility - migration - stratification




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Übersicht: gerundete Zahlen


1750-1900:   60

1900-1930: 100

1931-1940: 100

1941-1950: 100

1951-1956: 200

1957-1963: 210

1964-1970: 280



Wolfgang Lazio: De gentium aliquot migrationibus, sedibus fixis, reliquijs, linguarúmque initijs & immutationibus ac dialectis libri XII. Basileae: Per Ioannem Oporinum 1557; erneut 1572; Francofurti: C. Marnius & J. Aubrius apud Andreae Wecheli heredes 1600.

Niccolò Machiavelli: De migrationibus populorum septemtrionalium, post devictos à C. Mario Cimbros. Item de ruina imperii Romani, factus ex Italico sermone Latinus; per Hieronymum Turlerum. Francofurti: Apud Haered. Chr. Egen 1564; Hanoviæ: apud Gulielmum Antonium 1601.

Abraham Ortelius: Synonymia Geographica, Sive Popvlorvm, Regionvm, Insvlarvm, Vrbium, Opidorum, Montium, Promontoriorum, Silvarum, Pontium, Marium, Sinuum, Lacuum, Paludum, Fluviorum, Fontium ... : pro Auctorum traditionibus, saeculorum intervallis, Gentiúmque idiomatis & migrationibus, appellationes & nomina. Antverpiæ: Ex officina Christophori Plantini 1578.

Johannes Loccenius: Dissertatio de migrationibus populorum in genere et in specie Gothorum Sveonumque veterum. Diss. Univ. Uppsala 1628.





Thomas Bartholin: Memoires littéraires. Contenant des reflexions sur l'origine des nations, tirées de leur langage. Paris: André Cailleau 1750; Paris: Duchesne 1752.

Joseph de Guignes: Histoire des Huns, et des peuples qui en sont sortis, Ou l'on voit l'origine des Turks, des Hongrois, des Mogols & des Tatars, &c. leurs migrations, leurs conquêtes & leurs établissemens dans l'Asie, l'Europe & l'Afrique, avant & depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'à présent. Ouvrage tiré des Livres Chinois, & des Manuscrits Orientaux de la Bibliotheque du Roi. Paris: Debure 1751.

Charles O'Conor: Dissertations on the antient history of Ireland. Wherein an account is given of the origine, government, letters, sciences, religion, manners and customs, of the antient inhabitants. Dublin: J. Hoey 1753; erweiterte Neuausgabe in zwei Teilen:
A dissertation on the first migrations, and final settlement of the Scots in North-Britain. With occasional observations on the poems of Fingal and Temora.
Dublin: George Faulkner 1766;
Dissertations on the history of
Ireland. To which is subjoined, a dissertation on the Irish colonies established in Britain. With some remarks on Mr. MacPherson's translation of Fingal and Temora. Dublin: George Faulkner 1766;
beide zusammen 3. Aufl. Dublin: J. Christie 1812.

Joseph de Guignes: Histoire générale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares occidentaux, &c. avant et depuis Jésus-Christ jusqu'à présent. Précédée d'une introduction contenant des tables chronol. & historiques des princes qui ont regné dans l'Asie. Ouvrage tiré des livres chinois, & des manuscrits orientaux de la bibliothèque du roi 4vol., Paris: Desaint & Saillant 1756-58.

Charles de Peyssonnel: Observations historiques et géographiques, sur les peuples barbares qui ont habité les bords du Danube & du Pont-Euxin. Paris: N. M. Tilliard 1765.

William Thom: A candid enquiry into the causes of the late and the intended migrations from Scotland. In a letter to J. R. Esq. Glasgow: P. Tait 1771.

Jean Potocki: Fragments historiques et géographiques sur la Scythie, la Sarmatie et les Slaves. 3vol., Brunsvic: librairie des ecoles 1796.

Frederic Morton Eden: The state of the poor. Or, an history of the labouring classes in England, from the conquest to the present period. 3vol., London: J. Davis 1797; gekürzte Nachdrucke London: Routledge 1929; New York: B. Blom 1971; Faksimile-Nachdruck London: Frank Cass 1966.




George Sibbald: Notes and observations, on the pine lands of Georgia, shewing the advantages they possess, particularly in the culture of cotton. Addressed to persons emigrating, and those disposed to encourage migration to this State. Together with a plan of emigration for their settlement. To which is added a geograpahical sketch of the State of Georgia, with a comparative view of the population of the 1791, and 1801, and the exports of the years 1791 & 1800. Augusta: William J. Bunce 1801; Nachdruck Tarrytown, N. Y: W. Abbatt 1917.

Thomas Heming: An enquiry into the progressive colonization of the earth, and the origin of nations. Illustrated by a map of the geography of ecclesiastical and ancient civil history. London: Philips 1816.

Sigismund Ehrenreich Redern: Abrégé historique de la grande émigration des peuples barbares, et des émigrations principales arrivées dans l'ancien monde depuis cette époque. Bruxells: P. J. de Mat 1817.

Willima Davis Robinson: Memoir addressed to persons of the Jewish religion in Europe. On the subject of emigration to, and settlement in, one of the most eligible parts of the United States of North America. London: H. Hay 1819.




Carl Ritter: Die Vorhalle Europäischer Völkergeschichten vor Herodotus, um den Kaukasus und an den Gestaden des Pontus. Eine Abhandlung zur Alterthumskunde. Berlin: Reimer 1820.

Heinrich Julius von Klaproth: Tableaux historiques de l'Asie, depuis la monarchie de Cyrus jusqu'a nos jours, accompagnes de recherches historiques et ethnographiques sur cette partie du monde. Paris 1823; Paris: Schubart 1826.




Noah Webster: History of the United States. To which is prefixed a brief historical account of our [English] ancestors, from the dispersion at Babel, to their migration to America, and of the conquest of South America, by the Spaniards. New Haven, Conn.: Durrie & Peck/ Louisville, Ky.: Wilcox, Dickerman 1832.

John Dunmore Lang: View of the origin and migrations of the Polynesian Nation. Demonstrating their ancient discovery and progressive settlement of the continent of America. London: Cochrane and M'Crone 1834.

Henry Bence, John Lay: Report of a mission from the Blything Union. To ascertain the probable employment of the agricultural labourer and his family, in the manufacturing districts. Halesworth: T. Tippell 1836.

Hints to labourers with large families, on the subject of migration. By one of their friends. Leicester: T. Combe 1836.

Migration explained. With a true account of the condition of a number of poor families who have removed to the great manufacturing counties. Halstead, Essex: H. Gilbert 1836.

Adolphe Jules César Auguste Dureau De La Malle: Vues générales sur les rapports de la configuration du sol et de ses productions avec les anciennes migrations des peuples. 1837.

Charles Hunt: The advantages of migration to the manufacturing districts, being the report of one of the Guardians of the poor of the Horsham Union and of two labourers of the Union of their journey to Manchester. Horsham 1837.

Frédéric Pascal de Brotonne: Historie de la filiation et des migrations des peuples.2vol., Paris 1837.

Richard M. Muggeridge: Migration of agricultural labourers. Being a report of certain cases published in the Times, with the report of Mr. R. M., P.L.C., Migration Agent, on those cases, and the reply of Mr. Matthew Fletcher, Surgeon, of Bury, Lancashire. Bury: J. Kay 1837.

A. Jardot: Révolutions des peuples de l'Asie moyenne. Influence de leurs migrations sur l'état social de l'Europe. 2vol., Paris 1839.




Richard Alfred Davenport: Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence or fortune. London: Printed for T. Tegg 1841.

Felix Milliroux: Emigration à la Guyane anglaise. Paris: Pagnerre 1842.

Thomas W. Plum: Remarks on the operation of the parochial settlement laws. With suggestions for a new and improved system. London: C. Knight 1845.

Meaburn Staniland: Law of settlement. A letter to the Right Hon. Sir James Graham, Bart., on his speech delivered in the House of Commons, February 12, 1845, on bringing in a bill to amend and consolidate the laws relating to parochial settlement, and removal of the poor. With reasons for the entire abolition of the law of settlement. London: Simpkin, Marshall 1845.

African emigration to the British colonies. British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society 1847.

Charles Hamilton Smith: The natural history of the human species, its typical forms, primaeval distribution, filiations, and migrations. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars 1848; London: H.G. Bohn 1852.




Robert Gordon Latham: Man and his migrations. London: John Van Voorst 1851.

John Campbell Smith: The marriage laws of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Being a paper read at the meeting of the Social Science Association at Edinburgh on October 13, 1863. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo 1864.




Isaac Walker Maclay: Prize essay on the relations of the different professions and vocations to longevity. New York: American Popular Life Ins. Co. 1871.

Karoly Jeno UJfalvy: Les migrations des peuples et particulièrement celle des Touraniens. Paris: Maisonneuve 1873.

Mary Francis Cusack: Woman's work in modern society. London 1874.

Ernest George Ravenstein: Census of the British Isles, 1871. The birthplaces of the people and the laws of migration. London: Trübner 1876.

Franklin Webster Smith: The hard times. Agricultural development the true remedy. By. Four papers originally published in the "Boston daily advertiser." 1. "Hard times"; not transitory; 2. The public lands, a heritage of riches; 3. Freedom of the public lands; 4. American migration. Boston: J. R. Osgood 1877.

Charles Candee Baldwin: Early Indian migration in Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio, 1878.




E. B. Emery: Letters from the South, on the social, intellectual, and moral condition of the colored people. Boston: Beacon Press 1880.

Harriette Lloyd: Hindu women. With glimpses into their life and zenanas. London: J. Nisbet 1882.

Gottlieb Schnapper-Arndt: Fünf Dorfgemeinden auf dem Hohen Taunus. Eine socialstatistische Untersuchung über Kleinbauernthum, Hausindustrie und Volksleben. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot 1883; Reprint Bad Feilnbach: Schmidt, 1990;
bearbeitete Neuauflage u. d. T.: Hoher Taunus. Eine sozialstatistische Untersuchung in fünf Dorfgemeinden.
Allensbach: Verlag für Demoskopie 1963; erneut 1975.

Albert Samuel Gatschet: A migration legend of the Creek Indians, with a linguistic, historic and ethnographic introduction. 2vol., Philadelphia: D.G. Brinton 1884-88.

August Meitzen: Geschichte, Theorie und Technik der Statistik. Berlin 1886.




Johannes Conrad (Hrsg.): Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 6 Bde, 1890-1894; darin:
v. Philippovich von Philippsburg: Auswanderung, I, 1890, 1000-1018;
H. v. Scheel: Beruf und Berufsstatistik, II, 1891, 395-403;
Ludwig Elster: Bevölkerungslehre und Bevölkerungspolitik, II, 1991, 465-528;
E. Gothein: Gesellschaft und Gesellschaftswissenschaft, III, 1892, 838-844;
Lujo Brentano, M. Kaufmann, Andr. Brüll, G. Uhlhorn, O. Baumgarten: Soziale Reformbestrebungen, V, 1893, 741-768.

Lala Baijnath: Some problems of social reform in Hindu Society. Aligarh: Institute the Press 1891.

Hubert Llewellyn Smith: Modern changes in the mobility of labour especially between trade and trade. London: Froude 1891.

Franklin Benjamin Sanborn: Interstate migration. Boston 1892.

Max Leclerc: Le rôle social des universités. Paris: Colin, 2. Aufl. 1892.

Jean Massart, Emile Vandervelde: Parasitisme organique et parasitisme social. Paris: G. Carré 1893; Paris: Schleicher 1898;
engl.: Parasitism. Organic and social. London: Swan Sonnenschein 1895.

Franz v. Schwarz: Sintfluth und Völkerwanderungen. Stuttgart: Enke 1894.

Karl Friedrich Barthel: Völkerbewegungen auf der Südhälfte des afrikanischen Kontinents. Diss. Univ. Leipzig 1894.

Sara Anna Emerson: Outline studies in Hebrew history from the migration out of Chaldæa to the return in exile. Wellesley, Mass. 1894.

Otis Tufton Mason: Migration and the food quest. A study in the peopling of America. Smithsonian report for 1894, 523-539; Washington: Government Printing Office 1896.




August Meitzen: Siedelung und Agrarwesen der Westgermanen und Ostgermanen, der Kelten, Römer, Finnen und Slawen. 3 Bde, Berlin: W. Hertz 1895.

Georg von Mayr: Statistik und Gesellschaftslehre. Freiburg 1895.

Ricard Mayo-Smith: Statistics and Sociology. New York 1895.

Gaetano Mosca: Elementi di scienza Politica. Roma: Fratelli Bocca 1895; zahlreiche Auflagen;
engl.: The Ruling Class. New York: McGraw-Hill 1939;
dt.: Die herrschende Klasse. Grundlagen der politischen Wissenschaft. München: Lehnen/ Bern: Francke/ Salzburg: Das Bergland-Buch 1950.

E. Clairmonte: The Africander. A plain tale of colonial life. London: Unwin 1896.

Gaëtan Combes de Lestrade: La Russie économique et sociale à l'avènement de S.M. Nicolas II. Paris: Guillaumin 1896.

Daniel J. Flummer: The negro and Liberia. Birmingham, Ala.: International migration society 1897.

K. Th. Von Inama-Sternegg: Das soziale Connubium in den österreichischen Städten. Statistische Monatszeitschrift NF 3, 1898.

Mary Church Terrell: The progress of colored women. Washington, D. C.: Smith Brothers 1898.

John Davidson: The bargain theory of wages. A critical development from the historic theories, together with an examination of certain wages factors. The mobility of labor, trade unionism, and the methods of industrial renumeration. London, New York: Putnam's 1898.

Linus Ward Kline: The migratory impulse vs. love of home.Worcester, Mass. 1898.

Johannes Conrad: Die Geschichte und Theorie der Statistik, die Bevölkerungsstatistik. Jena: Fischer 1900.




Adolphe Coste: L'expérience des peuples et les prévisions qu'elle autorise. Paris: Alcan 1900.

E. E. K. Lowndes: Every-day life in South Africa. London: S. W. Partridge 1900.

Rodolfo Benini: Principii di demografia. Firenze: Barbera 1901.

Emil Dagobert Schoenfeld: Aus den Staaten der Barbaresken. Berlin: D. Reimer 1902.

William Edward Burghardt: The training of Negroes for social power. Atlanta 1903.

Henry Dumolard: Le Japon politique, économique, et social. Paris: A. Colin 1903.

Francesco da Offejo: Dall'Eritrea. Lettere sui costumi abissini. Roma: Tip. della Vera Roma 1904.

Franz Eulenburg: Die Frequenz der deutschen Universitäten von ihrer Gründung bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig: Teubner 1904.




William Augustus Mowry, Blanche S. Mowry: American pioneers. New York, Boston: Silver, Burdett 1905.

Cyrille Overberghe: La classe sociale. Bruxelles: Oscar Schepens 1905.

Winfield S. Montgomery: Immigration to the cities. Address. Washington, D. C.: Smith Bros. 1905.

William Matthew Flinders Petrie: Migrations. London: Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1906.

Franz Eulenburg: Der "akademische Nachwuchs". Eine Untersuchung über die Lage und die Aufgaben der Extraordinarien und Privatdozenten. Leipzig: Teubner 1908.

Bernhard Breslauer: Die Abwanderung der Juden aus der Provinz Posen. Denkschrift im Auftrage des Verbandes der Deutschen Juden. Berlin: Der Verband 1909.




Federico Chessa: La trasmissione ereditaria delle professioni. Torino: Bocca 1911 (1912).

Richard Ehrenberg, Hugo Racine: Krupp'sche Arbeiter-Familien. Entwicklung und Entwicklungs-Faktoren von drei Generationen deutscher Arbeiter. Jena: Fischer 1912.

Judson B. Hurd: Industrial mobility. A peaceful and powerful weapon to settle our economic problems and promote friendly relations among men. Washington, D. C. 1912.

Joseph Robert Nixon: The German settlers in Lincoln County and western North Carolina. 1912.

Marie Kolabinska: La circulation des élites en France. Etude historique depuis la fin du XIe siècle jusqu'à lagrande Révolution. Thèse Univ. Lausanne 1911; Lausanne: Imrimeries réunies 1912.

S. J. Chapman, F. J. Marquis: The Recruiting of the Employing Classes from the Ranks of the Wage Earners in the Cotton Industry. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 75, 1912.

Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton: Upward mobility of labour as evidenced in the Lancashire cotton industry. A paper read before the Liverpool Economic and Statistical Society. Liverpool: Northern Publishing 1912.

S. J. Chapman, W. Abbot: The Tendency of Children to Enter their Father's Trade. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 76, 1913.

Arthur John Newmann Tremeame: Hausa superstitions and customs. An introduction to the folk-lore and the folk. London: Bale & Danielsson 1913.

Report on migration from rural districts in England and Wales. London: H. M. S. O., Darling and Son 1913.

William Stewart Wallace: The United empire loyalists. A chronicle of the great migration. Toronto: Glasgow, Brook 1914.

Johann Rogalewski: Die Abwanderung aus der Provinz Posen in den Jahren 1890-1910. Oberhausen Rheinland: J. Kawaler 1914.




Fritz Maas: Über die Herkunftsbedingungen der geistigen Führer. Ein Beitrag zur Soziologie der Begabung. Tübingen: Laupp 1915.

William Churchill: Sissano. Movements of migration within and through Melanesia. Washington: The Carnegie Institution of Washington 1916.

Eugene Clyde Brooks: The story of corn and the westward migration. Chicago: Rand, McNally 1916.

Leopold Ziegler: Volk, Staat und Persönlichkeit. Berlin: S. Fischer 1917.

Carter Godwin Woodson: A century of negro migration. Washington, D. C.: The Association for the study of negro life and history 1918.

William Isaac Thomas, Florian Witold Znaniecki: The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. Monograph of an immigrant group. 5 vol., Chicago: University of Chicago Press/ Boston: R. G. Badger 1918-20; Nachdruck in 2 Bdn New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1927; erneut New York: Dover 1958; New York: Octagon Books 1974; gekürzte Ausgabe Urbana: University of Illinois Press1984, 1996.

H. Demain: Les migrations ouvrières à travers la Belgique. Louvain: J. Bomans 1919.

Leo Rosenberg: Das Ostjudenproblem und Palästina. Berlin: Deutsches Komitee zur Förderung der Jüdischen Palästinasiedlung, 1919.

Wladimir Wolf Kaplun-Kogan: Die jüdischen Wanderbewegungen in der neuesten Zeit (1880-1914). Bonn: A. Marcus & E. Weber 1919.




Thomas Jackson Woofter, Jr.: Negro migration. Changes in rural organization and population of the cotton belt. New York: W. D. Gray 1920.

Emmett Jay Scott: Negro migration during the war. New York: Oxford University Press 1920.




Richard J. Hall: Civics. An introduction to South African social problems. Durban: Technical College 1921.

Benjamin Griffith Brawley: A social history of the American Negro, being a history of the Negro problem in the United States, including a history and study of the republic of Liberia. New York: Macmillan 1921.

Henderson Hamilton Donald: The negro migration of 1916-1918. Washington, D. C.: The Association for the study of negro life and history 1921.

Richard Meinertzhagen: A preliminary study of the relation between geographical distribution and migration, with special reference to the Palacarctic region. Washington 1921 (concerning birds).

William Franklin Atwood: Pilgrim Plymouth guide to objects of special historic interest. Together with a brief historical outline of the Pilgrim migration from the inception of the congregation at Scrooby, England, to the permanent settlement of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Boston, Mass.: Blanchard 1921.




Max Weber: Stände and Klassen. In: Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft. Tübingen: Mohr 1922, 2. erweiterte Aufl. 1925, t. 1, 1. Teil, Kap. IV.

Robert Michels: Beitrag zur Lehre von der Klassenbildung. 1922; Nachdruck in Bruno Seidel, Siegfried Jenkner (Ed.): Klassenbildung und Sozialschichtung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1968, 146-180.

Paul Frederik Brissenden, Emil Frankel: Labor Turnover in Industry. A Statistical Analysis. New York: Macmillan 1922.

John A. Ryan et al. (Ed.): Industrial relations and the churches. With a supplement: a study in labor mobility by the Industrial research department, Wharton school of finance and commerce, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The American academy of political and social science 1922.

Anne Bezanson: A study in labor mobility. University of Pennsylvania. Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Industrial Research Department. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 103, 1922, 163-234.

Monthly record of migration. 3vol., Geneva: International Labour Office 1922-28.




George Edmund Haynes: Negro migration and its implications North and South.New York: American missionary association 1923.




August Uhl: Arbeitsgliederung und Arbeitsverschiebung. Jena: G. Fischer 1924.

Ernest Albert Crossley Belcher, James A. Williamson: Migration within the Empire. London: W. Collins 1924.

Raymond Peyronnet: Le problème nord-africain. 2vol., Paris: Peyronnet 1924-30.

Statistics of continental migration in Poland. Geneva: International Labour Office 1924.

Statistics of continental migration in Czechoslowakia. Geneva: International Labour Office 1924.




K. Keller: Die soziale Herkunft der Schüler der höheren Lehranstalten. Zeitschrift des Preussischen Statistischen Jahresamtes 1925.

Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin: American Millionaires and Multimillionaires. Social Forces 4, 1924/25, 523-533.

Anne Bezanson, Joseph H. Willits, Miriam Hussey, Leda F. White: Four years of labor mobility. A study of labour turnover in a group of selected plants in Philadelphia, 1921-1924. Industrial research department, Wharton school of finance and commerce, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia 1925.

Andrew William Lind: A study of mobility of population in Seattle. Seattle: University of Washington Press 1925.

Migration movements, 1920/1923ff. Geneva: International Labour Office 1925ff.

P. Subramania Aiyar: The Indian problem in South Africa. Durban, Natal: African Chronicle Printing Works 1925.

Walter Lewis Treadway: Mental hygiene with special reference to the migration of people. Prepared by direction of the Surgeon General. Washington: Government Printing Office 1925.

Katharine Coman: Economic beginnings of the far west, how we won the land beyond the Mississippi. New York: Macmillan 1925.

Austin Bradford Hill: Internal migration and its effects upon the death-rates: with special reference to the county of Essex. London: HMSO 1925.




Gerhard Albrecht: Die gesellschaftliche Schichtung im Kapitalismus. Tübingen: Mohr 1926.

Harry Jerome: Migration and Business Cycles. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research 1926.

Arthur Redford: Labour migration in England, 1800-50. Manchester: University Press/ London, New York: Longmans, Green 1926.

International economic conference, Geneva, May 4th, 1927. Documentation, reports on legislation concerning the movement of labour and migration in general. Geneva: League of Nations 1926.

John W. Brown: World migration and labour. Supplemented by Report of World migration congress, convened by the International federation of trade unions and the Labour and socialist international, at London, June 1926. Amsterdam 1926.




C. Wernsing: Die Wanderungen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt in der Nachkriegszeit, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des bergbaulichen Arbeitsmarktes im rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiet. In: Fragen des Arbeitsmarktes, Bd. 1, Münster in Westfalen 1927.

Joseph Schumpeter: Die sozialen Klassen im ethnisch homogenen Milieu. Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik 57, 1927, 1.57. Nachdruck in Josef Schumpeter: Aufsätze zur Soziologie. Tübingen: Mohr 1953.

Pitirim A. Sorokin: Soziale Bewegungsvorgänge. Kölner Vierteljahreshefte für Soziologie 6, 1926/27.

Pitirim A. Sorokin: Leaders of Labor and Radical Movements in the United States and Foreign Countries. American Journal of Sociology 33, 1927.

W. A. Anderson: Occupational Attitudes and Choices of a Group of College Men. Social Forces 6, 1927.

Maurice Beck Hexter: Juvenile employment and labor mobility in the business cycle. Boston: Massachusetts child labor committee 1927.

Madge Maude McKinney: Certain characteristics of citizens. 1927.

Edward Byron Reuter: The American Race Problem. A Study of the Negro. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell 1927, 2. Aufl. 1938.

Report of the Committee on scientific aspects of human migration, December 18, 1926. Chicago, Ill.: Social Science Research Council 1927.

Gordon Leslie Wood: Effect of migration on the economic condition of labourers. Honolulu, Hawaii 1927.

Thomas Griffith Taylor: Environment and race. A study of the evolution, migration, settlement and status of the races of man. London: Oxford University Press, H. Milford 1927.




Johannes Hermann Mitgau: Familienschicksal und soziale Rangordnung. Untersuchungen über den sozialen Aufstieg und Abstieg. Leipzig: Zentralstelle für Deutsche Personen- und Familiengeschichte e. V. 1928.

Heinrich Brockmann-Jerosch: Schweizer Volksleben. Sitten, Bräuche, Wohnstätten. 2 Bde, Erlenbach-Zürich: E. Rentsch 1929-31

The problem of Indian Administration. Report of a survey made at the request of Honorable Hubert Work, Secretary of the Interior, and submitted to him, February 21, 1928. Institute for Government Research. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press,1928.

Franz Boas: Anthropology and modern life. New York: Norton 1928.

American history in terms of human migration. United States, Congress, House, Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office 1928.

John Walter Gregory: Human migration & the future. A study of the causes, effects & control of emigration. London: Seeley, Service & Co 1928.

Migration laws and treaties. 3vol., Geneva: International Labour Office 1928-29.

Report on unemployment and stability in Australia. Melbourne: H. J. Green 1928.

Paul Schuster Taylor: Mexican labor in the United States. 3vol., Berkeley: University of California Press 1928-34.




Rudolf Heberle: Über die Mobilität der Bevölkerung in den Vereinigten Staaten. Jena: Fischer 1929.

Eucharista Galvin: The influences and conditions affecting the settlement of Minnesota, 1837-1860. 1929.

Pitirim A. Sorokin, Carle Clark Zimmerman: Principles of urban-rural sociology. New York: Holt 1929; Nachdruck New York: Da Capo Press 1971.

Samuel Christian Schmucker: Heredity and parenthood, New York: Macmillan 1929.




Josef Nothaas: Sozialer Auf- und Abstieg im deutschen Volk. In: Beiträge zur Statistik Bayerns, Bd. 117, München: Lindauer 1930; gekürzt in Kölner Vierteljahreshefte für Soziologie, Bd. 9, 1930/31.

Volkskundliche Studien. Friedrich Schmidt-Ott zum siebzigsten Geburtstage dargebracht. Berlin: de Gruyter 1930.

Frieda Sander: Die Mobilität der Kinder im Grundschulalter. Langensalza: Beyer 1930.

Theodor Geiger: Zur Theorie des Klassenbegriffs und der proletarischen Klasse (1930). In Theodor Geiger: Arbeiten zur Soziologie. 1962, 206-259.

John Edward Corbally: Pupil mobility in the public schools of Washington. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press 1930.

Louise Venable Kennedy: The negro peasant turns cityward. Effects of recent migrations to Northern centers. Diss. Columbia Univ.; New York: Columbia University Press/ London: P. S. King 1930; Nachdruck New York: AMS Press 1968.

Maps of cities growth, urban population, Metropolitan districts and migration patterns, 1790-1930. 16 maps on 8 sheets. United States. National Resources Committee. Research Committee on Urbanism.1930.

John William Fanning: Negro migration. A study of the exodus of the negroes between 1920 and 1925 from middle Georgia counties as that exodus was influenced or determined by existing economic conditions. Athens, Ga. 1930.

Manuel Gamio: Mexican immigration to the United States. A study of human migration and adjustment. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 1930.

Archer Butler Hulbert: Soil. Its influence on the history of the United States, with special reference to migration and the scientific study of local history. New York: Russell & Russell 1930.




C. T. Saunders: A. Study of Occupational Mobility. Economical Journal 41, 1931.

Edward Erwin Lewis: The mobility of the negro. A study in the American labor supply. New York: Columbia University Press/ London: P. S. King, 1931; Nachdruck New York: AMS Press 1968.

Louis Adamic: Dynamite. The story of class violence in America. New York: Viking 1931; mehrere Aufl. bis Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith 1960.

Thomas Humphrey Marshall: Class conflict and social stratification. London: Institute of Sociology, 3. Aufl. 1931.

Harry Sebee Linfield: Jewish migration. Jewish migration as a part of world migration movements, 1920-1930. New York: Selbstverlag, 1931.

Theodore Christian. Blegen: Norwegian migration to America.Northfield, Minn.: The Norwegian-American Historical Association 1931.

Walter Heape: Emigration, migration and nomadism, Cambridge: Heffer, 1931.




Alexander Kulischer, Eugene Michel Kulischer: Kriegs- und Wanderzüge. Weltgeschichte als Bevölkerungsbewegung, Berlin: de Gruyter 1932.

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Morris Ginsberg: Interchange between social classes. In Morris Ginsberg: Studies in Sociology. London: Methuen 1932.

James H. S. Bossard: Residential Propinquity as a Factor in Marriage Selection. American Journal of Sociology 38, 1932.

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Alexander Gladstone Scholes: Education for empire settlement. A study of juvenile migration. London: Longmans, Green 1932.

Lee J. Fitzgerald: The great migration. The origin of the Jewish people. London: Skeffington 1932.

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Leopold von Wiese: System der Allgemeinen Soziologie als Lehre von den sozialen Prozessen und den sozialen Gebilden der Menschen. München: Duncker & Humblot 1933 (2. Aufl.); 4. Aufl. 1966.

Peter Quante: Die Flucht aus der Landwirtschaft. Umfang und Ursachen der ländlichen Abwanderung. Berlin-Grunewald 1933.

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Gladwyn Ellis Young: Economic effects of the back-to-land movement in marginal farming areas of southern Indiana. Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University, Agricultural experiment station 1933.




Robert Michels: Umschichtungen in den herrschenden Klassen nach dem Kriege. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1934.

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J. Blache: Les types de migrations pastorales des montagnards. Essai de classification. Revue de Géographie alpine 22, 1934.

Charles Warren Thornthwaite: Internal migration in the United States. Philadelphia: Universtiy of Pennsylvania Press 1934.

Leland Burdine Tate: The rural homes of city workers and the urban-rural migration. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station 1934.

Report to the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of the Inter-departmental Committee on Migration Policy. Presented by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs to Parliament by command of His Majesty, August 1934. London: HMSO 1934.

Frank Alexander Ross: A bibliography on Negro migration. New York: Columbia University Press 1934.




Gerhard Sachs: Kampf um Raum. Deutsches Schicksal in Zahlen. Berlin: West-Ost-Verlag 1935.

Konrad Steyer: Die Wanderungsbewegung in Ostpreussen. Eine Bevölkerungsstudie. Königsberg: Gräfe und Unzer 1935.

Otto Klineberg: Negro Intelligence and Selective Migration. New York: Columbia University Press 1935.

Carter Goodrich, Bushrod W. Allin, Marion Hayes:Migration and planes of living, 1920-1934. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press/ London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press 1935.

Die Landflucht in der Tschechoslowakei. Ergebnisse einer Studienreise. Genf: Internationales Arbeitsamt 1935.

Franco Savorgnan: Celibi e coniugati nella popolazione nativa e nella popolazione immigrata. In: Scritti vari dedicati al Prof. Masè-Dari. Modena 1935.




Rudolf Heberle: Die Bedeutung der Wanderungen im sozialen Leben der Völker. In Gerhard Albrecht: Reine und angewandte Soziologie. Leipzig: Buske 1936.

Manfred Laubert: Ostmärkische Siedlungsprobleme. Breslau: Priefbatsch 1936.

Burton Wakeman Taylor: Status mobility. An aspect of socialmobility. Thesis. New York 1936.

Carter Goodrich, Bushrod W. Allin, C. Warren Thornthwaite et al.: Migration and economic opportunity. The report of the Study of Population Redistribution. University of Pennsylvania. Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. Industrial Research Department. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press/ London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press,1936.

The migration of workers. Recruitment, placing and conditions of labour. Geneva: International Labour Office 1936.

Clifton T. Little: Restless Americans. Washington, D. C.: Public affairs committee 1936; erneut 1938.

Donald Reed Taft: Human migration. A study of international movements. New York: The Ronald Press 1936.




Rudolf Heberle, Fritz Meyer: Die Grosstädte im Strome der Binnenwanderung. Wirtschafts- und bevölkerungswissenschaftliche Untersuchungen über Wanderung und Mobilität in deutschen Städten. Leipzig: Hirzel 1937.

Paul G. Merner: Das Nomadentum im nordwestlichen Afrika. Berlin 1937.

Percy Erwin Davidson, Hobson Dawey Anderson: Occupational Mobility in an American Community. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press 1937.

Heinrich Tisch: Das Problem des sozialen Auf- und Abstiegs im deutschen Volk, dargestellt an Hand einer Erhebung über die soziale Herkunft der Beamten in der Saar-Pfalz. Diss. Univ. Heidelberg 1937.

Heinrich Rudolf Franz Bannitza von Bazan: Das deutsche Blut im deutschen Raum. Sippenkundliche Grundzüge des deutschen Bevölkerungswandels in der Neuzeit. Berlin: A. Metzner 1937.

John N. Webb, Albert Westefeld, Albert H. Huntington Jr.:Mobility of labor in Michigan. A sample tabulation of mobility data from the Michigan census of population and unemployment, January 14, 1935. Prepared under the supervision of Howard B. Myers, director, Division of social research, Works progress administration, Washington, D. C.: Lansing 1937.

Pitirim A. Sorokin: Social and Cultural Dynamics. 4vol., New York: American Book Company 1937-41.

Ragnar Numelin: The wandering spirit. A study of human migration. London: Macmillan 1937.

Thomas Griffith Taylor: Environment, race, and migration. Fundamentals of human distribution: with special sections on racial classification; and settlement in Canada and Australia, Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 1937; 2. Aufl. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1945.

John Hastings Gwathmey: Twelve Virginia counties, where the western migration began. Richmond, Va.: Dietz 1937.

Louis Ginsburg: Population movements. A study in migration. London: V. Gollancz and the New Fabian research bureau 1937.

Warren Simpson Thompson: Research memorandum on internal migration in the depression. Prepared under the direction of the Committee on studies in social aspects of the depression. New York: Social Science Research Council 1937.

Linden Seymour Dodson: Living conditions and population migration in four Appalachian counties, Washington, D.C. 1937.

Montague Leyland Hornby: The case for organized empire migration. Ottawa, Can. 1937.

Edwin Clarence Guillet: The great migration. Toronto, New York: T. Nelson 1937.




Leopold von Wiese: Ideenkultur und Sinnenkultur. Zu Pitirim Sorokins Lehre von der Dynamik des sozialen und kulturellen Lebens, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie XXXI, 1937/38, 371-385.

Rudolf Heberle: Verfahren der Wanderungsforschung, Statistik der Binnenwanderung. Deutsches Statistisches Zentralblatt 30, 1938, 3-14.

Karl Bourges: Abstammung und Beruf. Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen 1938.

Robert Gruber: Der Weg zu neuen Berufen. Wien: Saturn 1938.

M. R. Davie, R. J. Reeve: Propinquity in Residence before marriage. American Journal of Sociology 44, 1939.

Stuart Lottier: 1. Regions of criminal mobility. 2. Distribution of criminal offenses in metropolitan regions. 3. Distribution of criminal offenses in sectional regions. Chicago 1938.

Dorothy Swaine Thomas: Research memorandum on migration differentials. With contributions by Rudolf Heberle, E. P. Hutchinson, Eleanor C. Isbell, Fritz Meyer and Svend Riemer. A report of the Committee on migration differentials. New York: Social Science Research Council 1938.

Migration of workers. 2vol., Washington: United States Department of Labor 1938.

Technical and financial international co-operation with regard to migration for settlement. Geneva: International Labour Office 1938.

Migration to and from Merseyside. Home, Irish, overseas. Liverpool: University Press of Liverpool 1938.

Papers on the social sciences. Their relations in theory and in teaching. 3: Class conflict and social stratification. Report of a conference held in London, 1937; edited by Thomas Humphrey Marshall, Institute of Sociology. London: Le Play House Press 1938.

Jane Moore: Cityward migration. Swedish data. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 1938.




Rudolf Müller: Das Festhalten der Beschäftigten am Arbeitsplatz. Dresden: Dittert 1939.

Theodor Geiger: Die Schichtung der Gesellschaft. 1939; dt. des §34 aus Geiger: Sociologi. Kopenhagen: Busck 1939.

Gustav Adolf Apitz: Die Landflucht, ein politisches Problem. Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der Landfluchterscheinungen, Neudamm Berlin: J. Neumann 1939.

Die Landflucht. Eine Bibliographie. Bearbeitet in der Zentralbücherei der DAF beim Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Institut. Berlin: Arbeitswissenschaftliches Institut der Deutschen Arbeitsfront 1939.

Otto Jungels: Deutsche Bevölkerungspolitik seit dem Zeitalter des Merkantilismus. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 1939.

Charles Elson Lively, Conrad Taeuber: Rural migration in the United States. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Ofice, 1939.

Michigan migrants. Washington: Works Progress Administration, Division of Research 1939.

Thomas Lowell Norton: Public education and economic trends. Cambridge, Mass.: Graduate School of Education, Harvard University 1939.

Louis Filler: Crusaders for American liberalism. New York: Harcourt, Brace 1939.

Harry Lionel Shapiro: Migration and environment. A study of the physical characteristics of the Japanese immigrants to Hawaii and the effects of environment on their descendants. London: Oxford University Press 1939.

Cedric Potocki, Count, of Montalk: Social climbers in Bloomsbury. London 1939.

Pauline V. Young: Scientific social surveys and research. An introduction to the background, content, methods, and analysis of social studies. New York: Prentice-Hall 1939; 4. Aufl. 1966.

Farm-city migration. National research project on reemployment opportunities and recent changes in industrial techniques. 4vol., Philadelphia 1939-40.




H. Schnieber: Statistik der Aus- und Einwanderung und de Binnenwanderung. In F. Burgdörfer (Ed.): Statistik in Deutschland. 1940, Bd. I, 220ff.

Colin G. Clark: The Conditions of Economic Progress. London 1940.

Talcott Parsons: An analytical approach to the theory of social stratification. American Journal of Sociology, LXV, 5, 1940, 841-862;
auch in Talcott Parsons: Essays in sociological theory pure and applied.
New York 1949; Essays in sociological theory, überarb. Ausg. 1954, überarb. Ausg. 1964, 68-88.

Samuel Andrew Stouffer: Intervening Opportunities. A Theory Relating Mobility and Distance. American Sociological Review 5, 1940; auch in Samuel A. Stouffer: Social Research to Test Ideas. New York 1962.

Marcus Lee Hansen: The Altantic Migration 1607-1860. A history of the continuing settlement of the United States. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1940.

James H. S. Bossard: Marriage and Family. Philadelphia 1940.

Roman L. Haremski: The unattached, aged immigrant. A descriptive analysis of the problems experienced in old age by three groups of Poles living apart from their families in Baltimore. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic university of America Press 1940.

Philip Elwood Ryan: Migration and social welfare. An approach to the problem of the nonsettled person in the community. New York: Russell Sage Foundation 1940.

Ta Chen: Emigrant communities in south China. A study of overseas migration and its influence on standards of living and social change, English version edited by Bruno Lasker. New York: Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations 1940.

Charles Harris Wesley (Ed.): The Negro in the Americas. Washington, D. C.: Graduate School, Howard University 1940.

Benson Young Landis: Uprooted Americans. 5 pamphlets on population shifts in America today.New York: Friendship Press 1940.




Joachim Friedrich Kipke: Wanderungen und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Schlesien. Breslau 1941.

Anton Hadwiger: Volk auf dem Marsch. Wien: Deutscher Verlag für Jugend und Volk 1941.

William Lloyd Warner, Paul Sanborn Lunt: The social life of a modern community. New Haven: Yale University Press/ London: G. Cumberlege, Oxford University Press 1941.

Kingsley Davis: Intermarriage in Caste Societies. American Anthropologist 43, 1941.

Brinley Thomas, Dorothy S. Thomas: Social and Economic Aspects of Swedish Population Movement 1750-1933. New York 1941.

Population mobility in Austin, Texas, 1929-1931. Bureau of research in the social sciences. Austin, Tex.: The University 1941.

Omar Pancoast: Occupational mobility. Democratic efficiency through the use of human resources. New York: Columbia University Press 1941.

Intra-urban mobility in Omaha. Written and compiled by workers of the Writers' Program, Work Projects Administration in the state of Nebraska. Sponsored by Department of Sociology, Municipal University of Omaha. Omaha, Nebraska: Writer's Project 1941.

Men and resources. A study of economic opportunity in the Pacific Northwest, condensation of a report and supporting memoranda: "Migration and the development of economic opportunity," prepared by the Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 1939. Portland, Ore.: Northwest Regional Council 1941.

Migration and settlement on the Pacific coast .Report. 5vol., Washington, D. C.: United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics 1941ff.

Migration on the Atlantic seaboard. Washington, D. C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Farm security administration 1941.

Ronald Stanley Walshaw: Migration to and from the British Isles. Problems and policies, London: J. Cape 1941.

Henry Hill Collins, Jr.: America's own refugees. Our 4,000,000 homeless migrants. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press 1941.

Donald Olen Cowgill: Mobile homes. A study of trailer life. Philadelphia/ Washington, D. C.: American Council on Public Affairs 1941.




Carl M. Rosenquist, Walter Gordon Browder: Family mobility in Houston, Texas 1922-1938. Bureau of research in the social sciences, with the assistance of the Work projects administration. Austin: The University of Texas 1942.

Carl M. Rosenquist, Walter Gordon Browder: Family mobility in Dallas, Texas, 1923-1938. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences, with the assistance of the Work Projects Administration official project. Austin, Tex.: The University 1942.

Population mobility. A study of family movements affecting Augusta, Georgia, 1899-1939. Augusta: Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration of Georgia 1942.

Clark Kerr: Migration to the Seattle labor market area, 1940-1942. Seattle: University of Washington Press 1942.

Tom Hatherley Pear: Psychological aspects of English social stratification. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester, 26, No. 2, 1942

Carey McWilliams: Ill fares and land. Migrants and migratory labor in the United States. Boston: Little, Brown 1942.

Albert Hoyt Hobbs: Differentials in internal migration. Philadelphia 1942.

Walter Slocum: Migrants from rural South Dakotafamilies. Their geographical and occupational distribution. Brookings, S. D.: Department of rural sociology, Agricultural experiment station, South Dakota State College 1942.

William Douglass Forsyth: The myth of open spaces. Australian, British and world trends of population and migration. Melbourne, London: Melbourne University Press in association with Oxford University Press 1942.




Alfred Sauvy: Richesse et population. Paris: Payot 1943.

Merton Dale Oyler: Fertility and migration of Kentucky population, 1920 to 1940. Chicago 1943; erneut 1945.

Noel Pitts Gist, C. T. Pihlblad, Cecil L. Gregory: Selective factors in migration and occupation. A study of social selection in rural Missouri. Columbia: University of Missouri 1943.

Bruno Lasker: Asia on the move. New York 1943.




Eleanor C. Isbell: Internal Migration in Sweden and Intervening Opportunities. American Sociological Review 9, 1944.

Walter Gordon Browder: The pattern of internal mobility in Texas. A subregional analysis. Austin, Tex.: The University 1944.

Margaret M. Attlee: Mobility of labour. A consideration of the question of industrial transference, with some examples from the inter-war period and suggestions for a post-war policy. Oxford: Catholic Social Guild/ London: Sword of the Spirit 1944.

Gertrude Rosenblum Williams: The price of social security. The problem of labour mobility. London: Kegan Paul, Trence, Trubner 1944.

Highlights of population shifts, based on ration book number 4 registration. Washington, D. C.: Office of distribution, War food administration 1944.

Walter Gordon Browder: The pattern of internal mobility in Texas. A subregional analysis. Austin, Tex.: The University 1944.

Europe's uprooted people. Washington: National planning association 1944.

Jacob Lestschinsky: Jewish migration for the past hundred years. New York: Yiddish scientific institute, YIVO 1944.




Frederik van Heek: Stijging en daling op de maatschappelijke ladder. Een onderzoek naar de verticale sociale mobiliteit. Leiden 1945.

C. Wright Mills: The American Business Elite. A Collective Portrait. Journal of Economic History 5, 1945.

K. Davis, W. Moore: Some principles of stratification. American Sociological Review, X, 2, 1945, 242-249.

Joseph A. Clarke: Migration and housing among the Negro population of Asbury Park. A survey by the urban colored populaton commission, state of New Jersey. Trenton 1945.

John Dale Russell, John W. Paige: Migration of college students to and from New York state. Albany, N. Y.: The University of the State of New York 1945.

Arna Wendell Bontemps: They seek a city. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran 1945.




Gerardo Silvio Franci: La nuova Italia. Trattato sulla ricostruzione economica e sociale. Milano: Fratelli Bocca 1946.

George K. Zipf: The P1P2/D Hypothesis. On the Intercity Movement of Persons. American Sociological Review 11, 1946.

Joseph B. Schechtman. European Population Transfers 1939-1945. New York 1946.

Mobility of public housing residents. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Bureau of Social Research, Federation of Social Agencies 1946.

Franklin M. Aaronson, Ruth A. Keller:Mobility of workers in employment covered by old-age and survivors insurance. Washington, D. C.: Federal security agency, Social security administration, Bureau of research and statistics 1946.




Pitirim A. Sorokin: Society, Culture and Personality. Their Structure and Dynamics. New York 1947; erneut 1962.

Howard W. Beers: Mobility of rural population. A study of changes in residence and occupation in two types of rural communities. Lexington, Ky. 1947.

Julius Isaac: Economics of Migration. London: Paul, Trench, Trubner 1947.

John Fischer: Why they behave like Russians. New York, London: Harper 1947.

Emil Bryan Dade: Migration of Kansas population, 1930 to 1945. Lawrence 1946.




Wilhelm Brepohl: Der Aufbau des Ruhrvolkes im Zuge der Ost-West-Wanderung. Recklinghausen 1948.

Elisabeth Pfeil: Der Flüchtling. Gestalt einer Zeitenwende. Hamburg: Hans von Hugo Verlag 1948.

William H. Form, Delbert C. Miller: Occupational Career Pattern as Sociological Instrument. American Journal of Sociology 54, 1948.

Richard Centers: Occupational Mobility of Urban Occupational Strata. American Sociological Review 13, 1948.

Marvin R. Koller: Residential and Occupational Propinquity. American Sociological Review 13, 1948.

C. Wright Mills: The New Men of Power. America's Labor Leaders. New York 1948.

Migration for employment. Revision of the Migration for employment convention 1939. Geneva: International Labour Office 1948-49.

H. A. Citroen: Les migrations internationales, un problème économique et social. Paris: Libraire de Médicis 1948.

Carroll Leonard Shartle: Vocational counseling and placement in the community in relation to labor mobility, tenure, and other factors. New York: Social Science Research Council 1948.

Francis L.K. Hsu: Under the ancestors' shadow. Kinship, personality, and social mobility in China. 1948; 2. Aufl. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press/ Garden City, N. Y.: Anchor Books 1967.




René König: Soziologie heute. Zürich: Regio-Verlag 1949.

Ingeborg Langner: Soziale Heiratskreise in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Diss. Univ. Kiel 1949/50.

Fred Charles Iklé: Eine Methode zur Untersuchung des Berufswechsels. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 85, 1949.

Theodor Geiger: Die Klassengesellschaft im Schmelztiegel. Köln: Kiepenheuer 1949.

Albert Koller: Entvölkerung und Landflucht. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 85, 1949.

Ilse Schwidetzki: Grossstadt und Kleinstadt nach sozialanthropologischen Untersuchungen in Schlesien. Homo 1, 1949.

Richard Centers: Education and Occupational Mobility. American Sociological Review 14, 1949.

Richard Centers: Psychology of Social Classes. A study of class consciousness. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press 1949; New York: Russell & Russell 1961.

August B. Hollingshead: Elmstown's Youth. New York 1949.

Augsut B. Hollingshead: Class and Kinship in a Middle Western Community. American Sociological Review 14, 1949.

Francis L. K. Hsu: Social Mobility in China. American Sociological Review 14, 1949.

Reinhard Bendix: Higher Civil Servants in American Society. A study of the social orgins the careers and the power-position of higher Federal administration Boulder, Col.: University of Colorado Press 1949.

Ronald Freedman, Amos H. Hawley: Migration and Occupational Mobility in the Depression. American Journal of Sociology 55, 1949.

William Lloyd Warner, Marchia Meeker, Kenneth Eells: Social class in America. A manual of procedure for the measurement of social status. Chicago: Science Research Associates 1949; New York: Harper 1960 ("With a new essay: Theory and method for the comparative study of social stratification, by W. Lloyd Warner).

William Lloyd Warner: Democracy in Jonesville. A study of quality and inequality. New York: Harper & Brothers 1949; erneut 1964.

C. McGuire: Adolescent Society and Social Mobility. Diss. Univ. of Chicago 1949.

William Miller: American Historians and the Business Elite. Journal of Economic History 9, 1949.

Eugene Michel Kulischer: Displaced Persons in the Modem World. In: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Bd. 262 (1949).

Talcott Parsons: Ananalytical approach to the theory of social stratification. In Talcott Parsons: Essays in Sociological Theory. Glencoe, Ill. 1949, erweitert 1953.

Samuel Andrew Stouffer: The American Soldier. 2vol., Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press 1949.

Joseph B. Schechtman: Population Transfer in Asia. New York 1949.

UN: Problems of Migration Statistics. Population Studies 5, 1949.

Lloyd George Reynolds, Joseph Shister: Job horizons. A study of job satisfaction and labor mobility. New York: Harper 1949.




Leopold von Wiese: Soziale Sicherheit und sozialer Aufstieg als Probleme unsere Zeit. Soziale Welt 1, 1950.

Karl Gombel: Probleme des Berufs- und Arbeitsplatzwechsels. Soziale Welt 1, 1950.

Karl Valentin Müller: Das Konnubium als Mass der psychischen und sozialen Einwurzelung von Flüchtlingsgruppen. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 10, 1950.

Elisabeth Pfeil: Grossstadtforschung. Bremen 1950.

Ilse Schwidetzki: Grundzüge der Völkerbiologie. Stuttgart 1950.

Ilse Schwidetzki: Der Männerwall der Städte. Homo 2, 1950.

Theodor Geiger: An Historical Study of the Origins and Structure of the Danish Intelligentsia. British Journal of Sociology 1, 1950.

Donald Joseph Bogue: An exploratory study of migration and labor mobility using social security data. Oxford, Ohio: Miami University, Scripps Foundation for Research in Population Problems 1950.

Bruno Bettelheim, Morris Janowitz: The Dynamics of Prejudice. New York 1950.

Marcel Bresard: Mobilité sociale et dimension de la famille. Population 5, 1950.

Natalie Rogoff: Les recherches américaines sur la mobilité sociale. Population 5, 1950.

Livio Livi: Sur la mesure de la mobilité sociale. Resultats d'un sondage sur la population italienne. Population 5, 1950.

Jean Floud: Educational Opportunity and Social Mobility. In: Yearbook of Education. London 1950.

Stuart Adams: Regional Differences in Vertical Mobility in High-Status Occupations. American Sociological Review 15, 1950.

C. McGuire: Social Stratification and Mobility Patterns. American Sociological Review 15, 1950.

Alex Inkeles: Social Stratification and Mobility in the Soviet Union 1940-1950. American Sociological Review 15, 1950.

Augsut B. Hollingshead: Cultural Factos in the Selection of Marriage mates. American Sociological Review 15, 1950.

William Miller: The Recruitement of the Business Elite. Quartery Journal of Economics 64, 1950.

Pierre George, M. Agulhon, L. A. Lavandeyra, H. D. Elhai, R. Schaeffer: Etudes sur la banlieue de Paris. Essais méthodologiques. Paris 1950.

L'assimilation culturelle des immigrants. Paris: Union Internationale pour l'Étude scientifique de la Population 1950.

Migration; a study of movement of population and its effects on the North East. Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Industrial Group 1950.




Frederik van Heek: Sozialer Auf- und Abstieg während des Hochkapitalismus. Soziale Welt 2, 1951.

Karl Valentin Müller: Die Heiraten zwischen Heimatvertriebenen und Einheimischen als Kennzeichen für die Einwurzelung der Flüchtlingsbevölkerung Niedersachsens. In: Veröffentlichungen des Niedersächsischen Amtes für Landesplanung und Statistik, Reihe F, Bd. 6, Bremen-Horn 1951.

F. Frings: Das internationale Flüchtlingsproblem 1919-1950. Frankfurt 1951.

Hans Schuster: Überbevölkerung und Auswanderung. Bremen: Trüjen 1951.

H. Wander: Die Bedeutung der Auswanderung für die Lösung europäischer Flüchtlings- und Bevölkerungsprobleme. Kiel 1951.

Kurt Horstmann: Die Wanderungen im Bundesgebiet 1950; Werner Neller: Die Bevölkerungsdichte im Bundesgebiet und ihre Entwicklung. Bad Godesberg: Selbstverlag 1951 (Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Raumforschung Bonn, Nr. 14), 2. Aufl. 1952.

Samuel Eigler: Das Problem der Mobilität der industriellen Arbeiterschaft. Zürich: Salathé-Ott 1951.

Artur Vorberg: Die Mobilität der Arbeit und ihre quantitative Bestimmung. Ein Beitrag zur Grundlagenforschung über die Bewegungen der Arbeit. Diss. Univ. Bonn 1951.

Friedrich Edding: The refugees as a burden, a stimulus, and a challenge to the West German economy. With a preface by Edgar Salin. The Hague: Nijhoff 1951.

Mary P. Newton, James R. Jeffery: Internal Migration. Some Aspects of Population Movements within England and Wales. London: HMSO 1951.

Erik Rinde, Stein Rokkan (Ed.): First International Working Conference on Social Mobility. International Sociological Association, Paris 1951; Oslo 1951.

Alain Girard: Mobilité sociale et dimensions de la famille. Enquête dans les lycées et les facultès. Poulation 6, 1951.

David Victor Glass: How Many Can Climb the Social Ladder? Listener 45, 1951.

C. Wright Mills: White Collar. The American Middle Class. New York: Oxford University Press 1951; erneut 1964.

Natalie Rogoff: Recent Trends in Urban Occupational Mobility. In Paul K. Hatt, Albert J. Reiss (Ed.): Reader in Urban Sociology. Glencoe, Ill. 1951.

Raymond A. Mulligan: Socio-Economic Background and College Enrollment. American Sociological Review 16, 1951.

Julius Roth, Robert W. Peck: Social Class and Social Mobility Factors Related to Martial Adjustment. American Sociological Review 16, 1951.

Everett S. Lee: Negro Intelligence and Selective Migration. American Sociological Review 16, 1951.

François Nourissier, A. Pillepich, Enracinement des immigrants. Paris 1951.

M. Tew: Work and Welfare in Australia. Melbourne 1951.

Lloyd George Reynolds: The structure of labor markets. Wages and labor mobility in theory and practice. New York: Harper 1951.

Charles Andrew Myers, George P. Shultz: The dynamics of a labor market. A study of the impact of employment changes on labor mobility, job satisfactions, and company and union policies. New York: Prentice-Hall 1951.

E. Franklin Frazier (Hrgsg.): The integration of the Negro into American society. Papers contributed to the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Division of the Social Sciences, May 3 and 4, 1951. Washington: Howard University Press for the Graduate School, Howard University 1951.

Migration from Europe. A report by the Director-General to the General Council of the International Refugee Organization. Geneva: I.R.O. 1951.

Howard M. Brotz: Analysis of social stratification within Jewish society. Diss. Univ. of London 1951.

Studies in rural-urban interaction. Lund: Royal University of Lund, Sweden, Department of Geography 1951.




Hermann Mitgau: Berufsvererbung und Berufswechsel im Handwerk. Untersuchungen über das Generationsschicksal im Gesellschaftsaufbau. Berlin: Renner 1952.

Peter Atteslander: Eine soziologische Untersuchung über den Zuzug nach der Stadt Zürich. Probleme der sozialen Anpassung . Diss. Univ. Zürich 1952; Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 7, 1955, 252-279.

Hansjürg Beck: Der Kulturzusammenstoss zwischen Stadt und Land in einer Vorortsgemeinde. Diss. Univ. Zürich; Zürich: Regio-Verlag 1952.

Elisabeth Pfeil: Soziologische und psychologische Aspekte der Vertreibung. In: Europa und die deutschen Flüchtlinge. Frankfurt 1952.

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F. Edding: Die Flüchtlinge als Belastung und Antrieb der westdeutschen Wirtschaft. Kiel 1952.

Charles A. Anderson, I. C. Brown, M. J. Bowman: Intelligence and Occupational Mobility. Journal of Political Economy 60, 1952.

Charles A. Anderson, Miriam Schnaper: School and Society in England. Social Backgrounds of Oxford and Cambridge Students. Washington, D. C. 1952.

Seymour M. Lipset, Reinhard Bendix: Social Mobility and Occupational Career Patterns. I: Stabilty of Jobholding; II: Social Mobility. American Journal of Sociology 57, 1952.

Paul S. P. Siu: The Sojourner. American Journal of Sociology 58, 1952.

Donald Joseph Bogue: A methodological study of migration and labor mobility in Michigan and Ohio in 1947. Oxford, Ohio: Scripps Foundation, Miami University 1952.

Tom Bottomore: La mobilité sociale dans la haute administration française. Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 13, 1952.

Evelyn Ellis: Social Psychological Correlates of Upward Social Mobility among Unmarried Career Women. American Sociological Review 17, 1952.

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William Miller: Men in Business. Cambridge, Mass. 1952.

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Geoffrey Thomas: Labour Mobility in Great Britain 1945-1949. An inquiry carried out for the Ministry of Labour and National Service. Great Britain Social Survey, No. 134, 1952.

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Alfred Sauvy: Théorie générale de la population. 2vol., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1952-54.

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Willis C. Quant, Lily Mary David: Worker mobility and skill utilization in World War II. Washington 1952.




Gerhard Mackenroth: Bevölkerungslehre. Theorie, Soziologie und Statistik der Bevölkerung. Berlin: Springer 1953.

Karl Gustav Specht: Der Einfluss des Ortswechsels auf das Gruppenleben der Menschen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 5, 1952/53.

Gabriele Wülker: Probleme der soziologischen Einordnung fremder ethnischer Gruppen in die deutsche Bundesrepublik. Im Auftrage des UNESCO-Instituts für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln 1953.

Ralf Dahrendorf: Gibt es noch Klassen? Die Begriffe der 'sozialen Schicht' und 'sozialen Klasse' in der Sozialanalyse der Gegenwart. Annales Universitatis Saraviensis, Philosophie-Letters II, 1953, 4, 267-279; Nachdruck in Bruno Seidel, Siegfried Jenkner (Ed.). Klassenbildung und Sozialschichtung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1968, 279-296.

Helmut Schelsky: Wandlungen der deutschen Familie in der Gegenwart. Dortmund 1953.

René König: Banlieues. Déplacements journaliers. In Georges Friedmann (Ed.): Villes et campagnes. Paris 1953.

Thales de Azevedo: Les élites de couleur dans une ville brésilienne. Paris: UNESCO 1953.

Homer Garner Barnett: Innovation. The basis of cultural change. New York: McGraw-Hill 1953.

Melvin M. Tumin: Some principles of stratification. A critical analysis. American Sociological Review, 18(4), 1953, 387-394; Nachdruck in P. Blumberg: The impact of social class. A Book of readings. New York: Crowell 1972.

Natalie Rogoff: Recent trends in occupational mobility. With a foreword by Herbert Goldhamer. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press 1953.

Natalie Rogoff: Social Stratification in France and in the United States. American Journal of Sociology 58, 1953.

Beverly Davis: Eminence and Level of Social Origin. American Journal of Sociology 59, 1953.

Robert A. Feldmesser: The Persistence of Status Advantages in Soviet Russia. American Journal of Sociology 59, 1953.

A. L. Bowley: The Coccupations of Fathers and of their Children. Economica 8, 1953.

James S. Davie: Social Class Factors and School Attendance. Harvard Educational Review 23, 1953.

William Petersen: Is America Still the Land of opportunity? In: Commentary, vol. 16, 1953.

Donald Joseph Bogue, Margaret Jarman Hagood: Subregional Migration in the United States. Differential Migration in the Corn and Cotton Belts 1935 to 1940. 2 vol., Oxford, Ohio: Scripps Foundation, Miami University 1953-57.

R. Clémens, G. Vosse-Smal, P. Minon: L'assimilation culturelle des immigrants en Belgique. Lüttich 1953.

James B. Conant: Education and Liberty. Cambridge, Mass. 1953.

Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt: Analysis of Patterns of Immigration and Absorption of Immigrants. Population Studies 7, 1953.

United Nations, The Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends. Population Studies 17, 1953.

Nelson H. Foote, Paul K. Hatt: Social Mobility and Economic Advancement. American Economic Review 43, 1953.

Reinhard Bendix, Seymour Martin Lipset: Class, status, and power. A reader in social stratification. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press 1953; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1954; 2. Aufl. New York: Free Press 1966.

Joseph Greenblum, Leonard J. Pearlin: Vertical Mobility and Prejudice. In Reinhard Bendix, Seymour M. Lipset (Ed.) 1953.

Seymour Martin Lipset, Joan Gordon: Mobility and Trade Union Membership. In Reinhard Bendix, Seymour M. Lipset (Ed.) 1953.

Patricia S.,West: Social Mobility among College Graduates. In Reinhard Bendix, Seymour M. Lipset (Ed.) 1953.

Talcott Parsons: A revised analytical approach to the theory of social stratification. In Reinhard Bendix, Seymour Martin Lipset (Ed.) 1953; 2. erweiterte Ausgabe London 1966, 92-129.

S. Keller: The Social Origins and Career Lines of Three Generations of American Business Leaders. Diss. Columbia University 1953.

Alain Girard, Jean Stoetzel: Français et immigrés. L' attitude française. L'adaptation des Italiens et des Polonais. Institut national d'études démographiques. Travaux et documents. Cahier No. 19, Paris 1953; sowie Cahier No. 20 (Nouveaux documents sur l'adaption), Paris 1954.

Bertil A. Wendel: A Migration Scheme: in: Lund Studies in Geography, Serie B, No. 9, Lund1953.

J. Vernant: The Refugee in the Post-War World. New Haven 1953.

Theresa R Shapiro: Occupational mobility of scientists. A study of chemists, biologists and physicists with Ph.D. degrees. Prepared in cooperation withManpower Branch, Human Resources Division, Office of Naval Research] U.S. Dept. of Defense. Washington: U. S. Government Printig Office 1953.

Lloyd Braithwaite: Social Stratification in Trinidad. A preliminary analysis. 1953.




Fritz Croner: Die Angestellten in der modernen Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main und Wien 1954; rev. Aufl.: Soziologie der Angestellten. Köln und Berlin 1962.

Theodor Geiger: Eine dynamische Analyse der sozialen Mobilität (1954). In Theodor Geiger: Arbeiten zur Soziologie. Neuwied 1962, 100-113.

Helmut Schelsky: Die Bedeutung des Schichtungsbegriffs für die Analyse der gegenwärtigen deutschen Gesellschaft. In: Transactions of the Second World Congress of Sociology, vol. 2, 1954; Nachgedruckt in Helmut Schelsky: Auf der Suche nach Wirklichkeit. Gesammelte Aufsätze. 1965; München : Goldmann, 1979, 326.332.

Helmut Schelsky: Aufstiegsbedürfnisse in der nivellierten Gesellschaft. Universitas 9, 1954.

Gerhard Wurzbacher: Das Dorf im Spannungsfeld industrieller Entwicklung. Stuttgart 1954.

Alfred Sauvy: L'Europe et sa population. Paris 1954.

Reinhard Bendix, Seymour M. Lipset, F. Malm: Social Origins and Occupational Career Patterns. Industrial and Labour Relations Review 7, 1954.

David Victor Glass: Social Mobility in Britain. London: Routledge 1954; 4. Aufl. 1967.

Abram J. Jaffe, Robert O. Carleton: Occupational Mobility in the United States 1930-1960. New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University 1954.

Stuart Adams: Trends in the Occupational Origins of Business leaders. American Sociological Review 19, 1954.

Richard Scudder, Charles A. Anderson: Migration and Vertical Occupational Mobility. American Sociological Review 19, 1954.

August B. Hollingshead, Robert Ellis, E. Kirby: Social Mobility and Mental Illness. American Sociological Review 19, 1954.

Gerhard E. Lenski: Status Crystallization. A Non-Vertical Dimension of Social Status: American Sociological Review 19, 1954.

Albert P. Blaustein, Charles O. Porter: The American Lawyer. A Summary of "The Survey of the Legal Profession". Chicago 1954.

Sylvain de Coster, Georges van der Elst: Mobilité sociale et enseignement. Brüssel: Editions de la librairie encyclopédique 1954.

Donald Gunn McRae: Social Stratification. A Trend Report. In: Current Sociology, vol. 2, 1953/54.

Louis Wirth: Social Stratification and Social Mobility. Regional trend reports and bibliographies, U.S.A., Sweden, and Japan. Prepared for the International Sociological Association. In: Current Sociology, Paris, vol. 2, No. 4, 1954; Reprint Nendeln: Kraus 1970.

Frederik van Heek: The Method of Extreme Types as a Tool for the Study of Causes of Vertical Social Mobility. In: Transactions of the Second World Congress of Sociology. London 1954.

Donald Matthews: The Social Background of Political Decision makers. Garden City, N. Y. 1954.

Donald Matthews: United States Senators and the Class Structure. Public Opinion Quarterly 8, 1954.

Dael L. Wolfle: America's Resources of Specialized Talent. A current appraisal and a look ahead. The report of the Commission on Human Resources and Advanced Training. New York: Harper 1954.

Brinley Thomas: Migration and Economic Growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1954.

Theodore Caplow: The Sociology of Work. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press 1954.

Gresham M. Sykes: Social Mobility and Social Participation. Diss. Northwestern University 1954.

John F. Kantner, Clyde V. Kiser: The Interrelation of Fertility, Fertility Planning, and Intergenerational Social Mobility. In Pascal K. Whelpton, Clyde V. Kiser (Ed.): Social and Psychological Factors Affecting Fertility, Bd. 4, New York 1954.

A. G. Ibi: Occupational Stratification and Mobility in the Large Urban Community. A Report of Research on Social Stratification and Mobility in Tokyo II. Japanese Sociological Review 4, 1954.

E. E. Le Masters: Social Class Mobility and Family Integration. Marriage and Family Living 16, 1954.

Seymour Martin Lipset, Natalie Rogoff: Class and Opportunity in Europe and the United States. Commentary 18, 1954.

Corrado Gini: La théorie des migrations adaptives. In: Etudes européennes de population, Paris 1954.

Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt: The Absorption of Immigrants. A comparative study based mainly on the Jewish community in Palestine and the State of Israel London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1954.

Julius Isaac: British Postwar Migration. Cambridge 1954.

Sakari Sariola: Social class and social mobility in a Costa Rican town. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Scientific Communications Service of the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences 1954.

Labor mobility and economic opportunity. Cambridge: MIT Press/ New York: Wiley 1954.

Gladys Louise Palmer: Labor mobility in six cities. New York: Social Science Research Council 1954.

Herbert S. Parnes: Research on labor mobility. An appraisal of research findings in the United States. New York: Social Science Research Council 1954.

Margot Jefferys: Mobility in the labour market. Employment changes in Battersea and Dagenham.. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1954,

R.E.M.P. bulletin. Research Group for European Migration Problems. 8 Jahrgänge, The Hague: The Group-1954-62.

John Frank Cuber: Social stratification in the United States. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts 1954.




Theodor Geiger: Typologie und Mechanik der gesellschaftlichen Fluktuation: In W. Bernsdorf, G. Eisermann (Ed.): Die Einheit der Sozialwissenschaften. Stuttgart 1955; auch in Theodor Geiger: Arbeiten zur Soziologie. Neuwied 1962, 114-170.

Gustav Hampel: Die Bedeutung der Sozialpolitik für die Europäische Integration. Kiel 1955.

Nikolaus von Preradovich: Die Führungsschichten in Österreich und Preussen (1804-1918). Mit einem Ausblick bis zum Jahre 1945. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1955.

Kurt Horstmann: Die Binnenwanderung in den Ländern Europas. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 13, 1955, H. 4, 195ff..

Maria Pfister-Ammende: Untersuchungen zum deutschen Vertriebenen- und Flüchtlingsproblem. Berlin 1955.

Rudolf Heberle: Theorie der Wanderungen. Schmollers Jahrbuch 4, 1955.

Rudolf Heberle: Migratory Mobility. Theoretical Aspects and Problems of Measurement. In: Proceedings of the World population Conference, Rome, 1954; New York: UN 1955.

William Lloyd Warner, James C. Abegglen: Big Business Leaders in America. New York 1955;
dt.: Karriere in der Wirtschaft. Eine Untersuchung über die Erfolgreichen.
Düsseldorf: Econ 1957.

William Lloyd Warner, James C. Abegglen: Occupational mobility in American business and industry 1928-1952. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1955.

Charles A. Anderson: Lifetime Inter-Occupational Mobility Patterns in Sweden. Acta Sociologica 1, 1955.

W. Z. Billewicz: Some Remarks on the Measurement of Social Mobility. Population Studies 9, 1955.

S. J. Prais: The Formal Theory of Social Mobility. Population Studies 9, 1955.

S. J. Prais: Measuring Social Mobility. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, vol. 118, 1955.

Ely Chinoy: Social Mobility Trends in the United States. American Sociological Review 20, 1955.

Peter Henry Rossi: Why Families Move. A study in the social psychology of urban residential mobility. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press 1955.

Isadore Blumen, Marvin Kogan, Philip J. McCarthy: The Industrial Mobility of Labor as a Probability Process. In: Cornell Studies in Industrial and Labor Relations, Bd. 6, Ithaca 1955.

Gunnar Boalt: Social Mobility in Stockholm. A Pilot Investigation. In: Transactions of the Second World Congress of Sociology, Bd. 2, London 1955.

George H. Copeman: Leaders of British Industry. London 1955.

Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt: The Absorption of Immigrants. Glencoe, Ill. 1955.

Gunnar Kulldorf: Migration Probabilities. LundStudies in Geography, Serie B, No. 14, Lund 1955.

Henry Brian Megget Murphy (Ed.): Flight and Resettlement. Paris: UNESCO 1955.

Izumi Selichi: Acculturation among the Japanese Immigrants to Brazil. In: Proceedings of the World Population Conference 1954; New York 1955.

Everett S. Lee: Measures of Migration in the Study of Population Redistribution 1870-1950. Proceedings of the World Population Conference 1954, vol. II, New York 1955, 573ff.

William Petersen: Planned Migration. The Social Determinants of the Dutch-Canadian Movement. Berkeley 1955.

Maximilien Sorre: Les migrations des peuples. Essai sur la mobilité géographique. Paris: Flammarion 1955.

Donald Reed Taft, R. Robbins: International Migration. New York 1955.

Marthe Marenof: The migrations of the Jewish people from its earliest times to our own time. Newton Centre, Mass.: DOT Publications 1955.

The Positive Contribution by Immigrants. A Symposium. Paris: UNESCO 1955.

Roger Keith Kelsall: Higher civil servants in Britain, from 1870 to the present day. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1955.

Isadore Blumen, Marvin Kogan, Philip J. McCarthy: The industrial mobility of labor as a probability process. Ithaca: Cornell University 1955.

Albert Henry Halsey: The relation between education and social mobility. With particular reference to the grammar school since 1944. Diss. Univ. of London 1955

George Douglas Howard Cole: Studies in Class Structure. 1955; erneut London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1968.




Hindernisse für die Beweglichkeit der Arbeitskräfte und soziale Probleme der Anpassung. Luxemburg: Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl 1956.

René König (Ed.): Soziologie der Gemeinde, Sonderheft 1 der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Köln und Opladen 1956, 3. Aufl. 1966.

Hans Weiss: Industrialisierung auf dem Lande. In René König (Ed.), Soziologie der Gemeinde, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 1, 1956, 3. Aufl. 1966.

Karl Martin Bolte: Ein Beitrag zur Problematik der sozialen Mobilität. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 38, 1956.

Karl Martin Bolte: Some Aspects of Social Mobility in Western Germany. In: Transactions of the Third World Congress of Sociology, Bd. 3, London 1956.

Karl Valentin Müller: Schulleistung und Berufsauslese. In: Das Arbeitsamt, Bd. 7, 1956.

Karl Valentin Müller: Begabung und soziale Schichtung in der hochindustrialisierten Gesellschaft. Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag 1956.

Helmut Schelsky: Gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Offene Welt 4, 1956; Nachdruck in Helmut Schelsky: Auf der Suche nach der Wirklichkeit. Gesammelte Aufsätze 1965; München : Goldmann, 1979, 333-349.

Richard Fritz Behrendt: Das Problem der unentwickelten Länder. Essen: Archiv-Verlag Hoppenstedt Merten 1956, 2. Aufl. 1960.

Ernst Eisendraht: Sozialstruktur II: Sozialer Auf- und Abstieg. In: Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften. Bd. 9, 1956.

Erich Reigrotzki: Soziale Verflechtungen in der Bundesrepublik. Elemente der sozialen Teilnahme in Kirche, Politik, Organisationen und Freizeit Tübingen: Mohr 1956.

Else Bohnsack: Einheimische und Flüchtlinge in Schleswig-Holstein. Ergebnisse einer Stidhprobenerhebung. Kieler Studien 38, 1956.

M. Egger: Die Integration eines Dorfes im sozialen Wandel. In René König (Ed.): Soziologie der Gemeinde. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 1, 1956, 3. Aufl. 1966.

Werner Nellner: Die Pendelwanderung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ihre statistische Erfassung und kartographische Darstellung. Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde 17, 1956.

M. Lehmkühler: Das Konnubium als ein Gradmesser der Eingliederung von Vertriebenen in Westdeutschland. R. E. M. P. Bulletin, Bd. 4, 1956.

Rudolf Heberle: Types of Migration. R. E. M. P. Bulletin 75, 1956.

Roger Girod: Enquête de mobilité sociale. Changements de milieu d'une génération à l'autre. Genève: Centre de recherches sociologiques 1956; Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie 1957.

Alain Girard: Développement économique et mobilité des travailleurs. L'individu, la profession, la région. Paris, Éditions de l'Institut national d'études démographiques 1956.

Seymour M. Lipset, Hans L. Zetterberg: A Theory of Social Mobility. In: Transactions of the Third World Congress of Sociology, Vol. 3, London 1956.

Morris Janowitz: Some Consequences of Social Mobility in the United States. In: Transactions of the Third World Congress of Sociology, Bd. 3, London 1956.

J. J. M. van Tulder: Occupational Mobility in the Netherlands from 1919 to 1954. In: Transactions of the Third World Congress of Sociology, Bd. 3, London 1956.

Jean Esther Floud, Albert Henry Halsey, F. M. Martin (Ed.): Social class and educational opportunity. London: Heinemann 1956.

C. Wright Mills: The Power Elite. New York: Oxford University Press 1956.

Peter M. Blau: Social Mobility and Interpersonal Relations. American Sociological Review 21, 1956.

Raymond W. Mack et al.: The Protestant Ethic, Level of Aspiration, and Social Mobility. An Empirical Test. American Sociological Review 21, 1956.

R. M. Stephenson: Mobility Orientation and Stratification. A Study of One Thousand Ninth Graders. Diss. Columbia University 1956.

Alan C. Kerckhoff: Notes and Comments on the Meaning of Residentional Propinquity as a Factor in Mate Selection. Social Forces 34, 1956.

Joseph J. Hecht: The Domestic Servant Class in Eighteenth-Century England. London 1956; auch in: Bernard Barber, Elinor G. Barber: European Social Class. Stability and Change. New York 1965.

Alex Inkeles, Peter H. Rossi: National Comparisons of Occupational Prestige. American Journal of Sociology 56, 1956.

Alexandre Vexliard: Introduction à la sociologie du vagabondage. Paris 1956.

UNESCO: Mobility - mobilité. Bulletin International des Sciences Sociales 8, 1956.

UNESCO: Assimilation culturelle et tensions dans un pays de forte immigration: Israel. Mit Beiträgen von Alfred Bonné, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt u. a. Bulletin International des Sciences Sociales 8, 1956.

UNESCO: The social implicatons of industrialization and urbanization. Five studies of urban populations of recent rural origin in cities of southern Asia. Calcutta 1956.

Gösta Ahlberg: Population trends and urbanization in Sweden, 1911-1950. Lund: Royal University of Lund, Sweden, Department of Geography; G. W. K. Gleerup 1956.

Allan Cornett Cole: Japanese society and politics. The impact of social stratification and mobility on politics. Boston 1956.

Jean Rouch: Migrations au Ghana, Gold Coast. Enquête 1953-1955. Paris: Société des africanistes, Musée de l'homme 1956.

Abul Kahir Nazmul Karim: Changing society in Indiaand Pakistan. A study in social change and social stratification. Dacca: Cumberlege 1956.

Vladimir Rys: U. S. S. R. A lesson in social stratification. Chicago: Czechoslovak Foreign Institute 1956.




Standort und Wohnen. Ökologische Studien. Mitarbeit: Gunther Ipsen. Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag 1957.

Heinz Kluth: Sozialprestige und sozialer Status. Stuttgart: Enke 1957.

Karl Valentin Müller: Die Angestellten in der hochindustrialisierten Gesellschaft. Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag 1957.

Helmut Schelsky: Schule und Erziehung in der industriellen Gesellschaft. Würzburg: Werkbund-Verlag 1957; 6. Aufl. 1967.

Ralf Dahrendorf: Soziale Klassen und Klassenkonflikt in der industriellen Gesellschaft. Habil-Schrift Univ. Saarbrücken 1957; Stuttgart: Enke 1957;
engl.: Class and class conflict in industrial society.
London: Routledge 1959; zahlreiche Aufl.

Wilhelm Brepohl: Industrievolk im Wandel von der agraren zur industriellen Daseinsform, dargestellt am Ruhrgebiet. Tübingen: Mohr 1957.

Heinrich Popitz, H. P. Bahrdt, E. A. Jüres, H. Kesting: Das Gesellschaftsbild des Arbeiters. soziologische Untersuchungen in der Hüttenindustrie. Tübingen: Mohr 1957, 3. Aufl. 1967.

Ludwig von Friedeburg: Zur Fluktuation im Steinkohlenbergbau. In: Bundesarbeitsblatt, Bd. 22, 1957.

Gerhard Mackenroth: Wandlungen der deutschen Sozialstruktur. In: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Bd. 8, 1957.

Heinrich Abel: Berufswechsel und Berufsverbundenheit bei männlichen Arbeitnehmern in der gewerblichen Wirtschaft. Eine Untersuchung. Ed. von der Hochschule für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung, Frankfurt am Main, Braunschweig: G. Westermann 1957.

Stanislaw Ossowski: Social Mobility Brought about by Social Revolution. Beitrag zur 4. Arbeits-Konferenz des Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility der ISA in Genf 1957.

Karl Martin Bolte: Forced Migrations as a Cause of Social Mobility. Bericht auf der Tagung des Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility der ISA in Genf, Dezember 1957.

Roger Girod: Ecole, université et sélection des membres des couches dirigeantes. Le cas de Genève. Beitrag für die 4. Arbeitstagung des Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility der ISA in Genf 1957.

Kaare Svalagosta: An Empirical Analysis of Intrasocietary Mobility Determinants. Beitrag für die 4. Arbeitstagung des Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility der ISA in Genf 1957.

J. Aitchinson, J. A. C. Brown: The Lognormal Distribution with special reference to its uses in economics. Oxford University Press 1957.

Bernard Barber: Social stratification. A comparative analysis of structure and process. Under the general editorship of Robert K. Merton. New York: Harcourt, Brace 1957.

Leonard Palmer Adams, Robert L. Aronson: Workers and industrial change. A case study of labor mobility . Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University 1957.

A. Davis: Personality and Social Mobility. The School Review 65, 1957.

Joseph Alan Kahl: The American class structure. New York: Rinehart 1957.

Jean Floud, Arthur H. Halsey, F. M. Martin: Social Class and Educational Opportunity. London 1957.

Raymond W. Mack, Linton Freeman, Seymour Yellin: Social mobility, thirty years of research and theory. An annotated bibliography. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press 1957.

S. Nishira: Cross-national Comparative Study on Social Stratification and Social Mobility. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 3, 1957.

T. S. Simey: Soziale Mobilität und Klassenkonflikt in England. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 9, 1957.

Peter M. Blau: Occupational Bias and Mobility. American Sociological Review 22, 1957.

Melvin M. Tumin, Arnold S. Feldman: Theory and Measurement of Occupational Mobility. American Sociological Review 22, 1957.

Mary H. Lystad: Social Mobility among Selected Groups of Schizophrenic Patients. American Sociological Review 22, 1957.

Oscar Handlin: Boston's Immigrants. A Study in Acculturation. Cambridge, Mass. 1959.

Oscar Handlin: The Newcomers. Cambridge, Mass. 1959.

Research Committee on Stratification and Social Mobility of the Japanese Sociological Association: Social Mobility in Japan. An Interim Report on the 1955 Survey of Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Japan, Tokio 1957.

Torsten Haegerstrand: Migration and Area Survey of a Sample of Swedish Migration Fields and Hypothetical Considerations on their Analysis. In David Hanneberg, Torsten Haegerstrand (Ed.), Migration in Sweden. Lund Studies in Geography, Serie B, No. 13, Lund 1957.

Bengt G. Rundblad: Problems of a Depopulated Rural Community. In: Migration in Sweden, Lund Studies in Geography, Serie B, No. 13, Lund 1957.

Esse Loevgren: Mutual Relations between Migration Fields. A Circulation Analysis,. In: Migration in Sweden, Lund Studies in Geography, Serie B, No. 13, Lund1957.

Bertil A. Wendel: Regional Aspects of Internal Migration and Mobility in Sweden. In: Migration in Sweden. Lund Studies in Geography, Serie B, No. 13, Lund 1957.

Bertram Hutchinson: Some Evidence Related to Matrimonial Selection and Immigrant Assimilation in Brazil. Population Studies 11, 1957.

Everett S. Lee et al.: Population Redistribution and Economic Growth in the United States 1870 to 1950. Philadelphia 1957.

Jercy Zubrzycki: Immigration and Culture Conflict. R.E.M.P. Bulletin, Bd. 5, 1957.

David Hannerberg: Migration in Sweden. A symposium. C. W. K. Gleerup 1957.

Margaret Bates (Ed.): The migration of peoples to Latin America. Proceedings of the conference on the migration of peoples to Latin Americaheld under the auspices of the Institute of Ibero-American Studies of the Catholic University of America, April 27 and 28, 1956. Washington: Catholic University of America Press 1957.

Migrations professionnelles. Données statistiques sur leur évolution en divers pays de 1900 à 1955. Ouvrage réalisé sous la direction de Jean Fourastié. Préface d'Alfred Sauvy.Paris: Presses universitaires de France 1957.

J. W. Tilton: Dimensions of social stratification. In Frederick Charles Gruber (Ed.): Foundations of Education. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1957.




René König: Grundformen der Gesellschaft: Die Gemeinde. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1958.

Karl Martin Bolte: Umfang der Mobilität in unserer Gesellschaft. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 10, 1958.

Renate Mayntz: Die soziologische Problematik umfassender Mobilitätsuntersuchungen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 10, 1958.

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Hasso von Recum: Volksschullehrerberuf und soziale Mobilität, in: Peter Heintz (Ed.), Soziologie der Schule. Sonderheft 4 der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Köln und Opladen 1959, 5. Aufl., 1968.

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Karl Bosl: Über soziale Mobilität in der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft. Dienst, Freiheit, Freizügigkeit als Motive des sozialen Aufstiegs. Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 47, 1960, 306-332.

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Hansjörgen Daheim: Die Vorstellungen vom Mittelstand. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 12, 1960.

H. Moore, G. Kleining: Das Bild der sozialen Wirklichkeit. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 12, 1960.

H. Moore, G. Kleining: Das soziale Selbstbild der Gesellschaftsschichten in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 12, 1960.

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Erwin K. Scheuch,. Dietrich Rüschenmeyer: Scaling Social Status in Western Germany. British Journal of Sociology, Vol. XI, No. 2, 1960.

Charles T. Stewart, Jr.: Migration as a Function of Population and Distance. American Sociological Review 25, 1960.

Ralph H. Turner: Sponsored and Contest Mobility and the School System. American Sociological Review 25, 1960.

Charles F. Westhoff, Marvin Bressler, Philip C. Sagi: The Concept of Social Mobility. An Empirical Inquiry. American Sociological Review 25, 1960.

Pierre Clément, Paul Vieille: L'exode rural. Historique, causes et conditions, sélectivité, perspectives. Paris 1960.

Richard F. Curtis: Occupational Mobility and Church Participation. Social Forces 38, 1960.

Judah Matras: Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Patterns. An Application of the Formal Theory of Social Mobility. Population Studies 14, 1960.

S. M. Miller: Comparative Social Mobility. A Trend-Report and Bibliography. In: Current Sociology, Bd. 9, 1960.

Ruth Glass, Ruth Durant, Harold Pollins: Newcomers. The West Indians in London. London 1960.

Everett S. Lee, Anne S. Lee: Internal Migration Statistics for the United States. Journal of the American Statistical Association 55, 1960.

Robert L. Bunting: Labor mobility patterns in the Piedmont industrial crescent. Chapel Hill: Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina1960.

Richard L. Simpson, David R. Norsworthy, H. Max Miller: Occupational choice and mobility in the urbanizing piedmont of North Carolina. Chapel Hill: Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, 1960.

Judith Anne Bannister: Social factors in occupational mobility. A pilot study on "The place of work in society". 2vol., Diss. Univ. of Nottingham 1960.

Seymour Martin Lipset: Social stratification and 'right-wing extremism'. Berkeley, Cal.: Institute of Industrial Relations 1960.

Ziyaeddin Fahri Findikoglu: The Turkish stratification and the social changes. Istanbul: Sermet Matbaasi 1960.




Ralf Dahrendorf: Über den Ursprung der Ungleichheit unter den Menschen. Antrittsvorlesung an der Universität Tübingen, gehalten am 8. Februar 1961. Tübingen: Mohr 1961; auch in: Recht und Staat in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Heft 232, 1961.

Ralf Dahrendorf: Deutsche Richter. Ein Beitrag zur Soziologie der Oberschicht. In Ralf Dahrendorf: Gesellschaft und Freiheit. München 1961.

Helmut Schelsky: Die Bedeutung des Klassenbegriffes für die Analyse unserer Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaften 12, 1961; Nachdruck in Helmut Schelsky: Auf der Suche nach der Wirklichkeit. Gesammelte Aufsätze. 1965; München: Goldmann 1979, 350-392; ebenso in Bruno Seidel, Siegfried Jenkner (Ed.): Klassenbildung und Sozialschichtung. 1968, 398-446.

Mario Rainer Lepsius: Denkschrift zur Lage der Soziologie und der politischen Wissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1961.

Eckhard D. Krönlein: Vertikale und horizontale Mobilität im Industriebetrieb. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 13, 1961.

Hansjörgen Daheim: Soziale Herkunft, Schule und Rekrutierung der Berufe. In D. V. Glass, R. König (Ed.) 1961.

Hansjörgen Daheim: Neuere deutsche Veröffentlichungen zum Problem der sozialen Schichtung. In: D. V. Glass, R. König (Ed.) 1961.

Erwin K. Scheuch, Hansjörgen Daheim: Sozialprestige und soziale Schichtung. In D. V. Glass, R. König (Ed.) 1961, 65-103.

Henrik Kreutz: Soziale Schichtung als latenter Konflikt. Angewandte Sozialforschung 1, 1961, 293-310.

Jack Schiefer: Europäischer Arbeitsmarkt. Freizügigkeit und Mobilität der Arbeitnehmer. Baden-Baden: Lutzeyer 1961;
frz.: Marché du travail européen. Libre circulation et migration des travailleurs.
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it.: Il mercato del lavoro in Europa. Libera circolazione e migrazione dei lavoratori. Milano: Giuffrè 1961.

Hasso von Recum: Changes in the Social Structure of the Teaching Profession. Social Mobility and the Shortage of Elementary School Teachers. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 2, 1961.

Roger Girod, Jean Fred Rouiller: Milieu social et orientation de la carrière des adolescents. Genf 1961.

James C. Abegglen: Leaders of modern Japan. Social origins and mobility. In: Economic development and cultural change, Bd. 9, 1960-61, 2, 109-134.

Robert Mortimer Marsh: The Mandarins. The Circulation of Elites in China 1600-1900. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press 1961.

Marcel Bresard: Le chef d'entreprise et la mobilité sociale. Paris 1961.

Alain Girard: La réussite social en France. Ses caractères, ses lois, ses effets. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1961; erneut 1967.

Raymond Aron: Le Développement de la socitété et la straticifation sociale. Paris 1961.

Richard F. Curtis: Conceptual Problems in Social Mobility Research. Sociology and Social Research 45, 1961.

Jack Schiefer: Europäischer Arbeitsmarkt. Freizügigkeit und Mobilität der Arbeitnehmer. Baden-Baden 1961.

Richard A. Schmuck, Robert W. Schmuck: Upward Mobility and I. Q. Performance. Journal of Educational Research 55, 1961.

Sam Aaronovitch: The ruling class. A study of British finance capital. Lawrence & Wishart 1961.

Leo F. Schnore: Social Mobility in Demographic Perspective. American Sociological Review 26, 1961.

James A. Geshwender: Theory and Measurement of Occupational Mobility. A Reexamination. American Sociological Review 26, 1961.

Arthur H. Halsey: Sponsored and Contest Mobility. A Criticism of Turner's Hypothesis. American Sociological Review 26, 1961.

Robert Perucci: The Significance of IntraOccupational Mobility. Some Methodological and Theoretical Notes, together with a Case Study of Engineers. American Sociological Review 26, 1961.

C. Arnold Anderson: A skeptical note on the relation of vertical mobility to education. American Journal of Sociology 66, 1961, 6, 560-570.

G. S. Ghurye: Sociology of Innovation and Mobility. Sociological Bulletin 10, 1961.

Judah Matras: Differential Fertility, Intergenerational Occupational Mobility, and Change in the Occupational Distribution. Some Elementary Interrelationships. Population Studies 15, 1961.

Kaare Svalagosta, Gösta Carlsson: Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Scandinavia. Sociological Inquiry 31, 1961.

Gunter Beijer (Ed.): Characteristics of Overseas Migrants. Den Haag 1961.

Ruth Glass: Londons Newcomers. The West Indian Migrants. London 1961.

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Jercy Zubrzycki: Polish Immigrants in Britain. A Study of Adjustment. Den Haag 1961.

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Ralph Thomlinson: A Model for Migration Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association 56, 1961.

Bernard Barber: Family status, local community status, and social stratification. Three types of social ranking. Pacific Sociological Review 4, 1, 1961.

John Gulick, Charles E. Bowerman: Socio-cultural adaptations of newcomers to cities in the Piedmont industrial crescent. With an appendix on social stratification in Greensboro. Chapel Hill: Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina 1961.

Thomas Mathiesen: Aspects of Social Stratification in a Changing Community (Mo, Norway). Oslo: Universitet 1961.




Heinz Dirks: Probleme des beruflichen Auf- und Abstiegs. Psychologische Rundschau 13, 1962.

Deborah Kaplan: Das arabische Flüchtlingsproblem und die Vereinten Nationen. Frankfurt 1962.

Roger Girod: Système scolaire et mobilité sociale. Revue française de sociologie 3, 1962.

Wolfram Eberhard: Social mobility in traditional China. Leiden: Brill 1962.

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James Bieri, Robin Lobeck, Harald L. Plotnick: Psychosocial Factors in Differential Social Mobility. Journal of Social Psychology 58, 1962.

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Geza Charles Paikert: The German Exodus. A Selective Study on the Post-World War II Expulsion of German Population and Its Effects. Den Haag 1962.

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Neil Joseph Smelser: Theory of Collective Behavior. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1962; New York: Free Press of Glencoe 1963.

Hans L. Zetterberg: Social Theory and Social Practice. New York: Bedminster Press 1962.

Guy Barbichon: Adaptation and training of rural workers for industrial work. Paris: OECD 1962.

Oiva Laaksonen: Finnish business leaders. Their social mobility and educational background. Helsinki: Institute of Sociology 1962.




Kurt Weichselberger: Zur Messung der Sozialschichtung. In Helmut Klages, Hans Georg Rasch (Ed.): Akten des 18. Internationalen Soziologenkongresses, Nürnberg, 10.-17. September 1958, Bd. 4, Meisenheim am Glan: Hain 1963.

Karl Martin Bolte: Typen sozialer Schichtung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik 8, 1963, 150-175.

Heinz Dietrich, Luise Herle: Über Alter, Sozialschicht, Mobilität und Wohnort chronischer Alkoholiker. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 15, 1963.

Günther Lüschen: Soziale Schichtung und soziale Mobilität bei jungen Sportlern. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 15, 1963.

Reiner Stäglin: Verfahren zur statistischen Erfassung des sozialen Auf- und Abstiegs.: Soziale Welt 14, 1963.

Franz J. Stendenbach: Soziale Interaktion und Lernprozesse. Köln und Berlin 1963.

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Pitirim A. Sorokin: A Long Journey. The Autobiography of Pitirim A. Sorokin. New Haven, Conn.: College and University Press 1963.

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Edward A. Tiryakian (Ed.): Sociological Theory, Values, and Socio-Cultural Change. Essays in Honor of Pitirim A. Sorokin. New York: Free Press 1963.

Otis D. Duncan, Robert W. Hodge: Education and Occupational Mobility. A Regression Analysis. American Journal of Sociology 68, 1963.

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Daniel Kubat: Social Mobility in CSR. American Sociological Review 28, 1963.

Warren Breed: Occupational Mobility and Suicide among White Males. American Sociological Review 28, 1963.

Judah Matras: Some Data on Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Israel. Population Studies 17, 1963.

Robert P. Stuckert. Occupational Mobility and Family Relationships. Social Forces 41, 1963.

M. Young, J. Gibson: In Search of an Explanation of Social Mobility. British Journal of Statistical Psychology 16, 1963.

Norman M. Bradburn: Interpersonal relations within formal organizations in Turkey. Journal of Social Issues 1, 1963, 61-67.

Gunter Beijer: Rural Migrants in Urban Setting. An Analysis of the Literature on the Problem Consequent on the Internal Migration from Rural to Urban Areas in 12 European Countries (1945-1961). Den Haag 1963.

M. Bouvier-Ajam, G. Mury: Les classes sociales en France. 2vol., Paris 1963.

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Herman Travis: Mobility and worker adaptation to economic change in the United States.Washington: U. S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, Office of Manpower, Automation and Training 1963.

Claude Vimont: Occupational mobility of manpower. Paris: OECD 1963.

Guy Routh: Geographical mobility of manpower. Paris: OECD 1963.

Guido Baglioni: The Italian workers moving from the South to the North of Italy. Paris: OECD 1963.

Irving Louis Horowitz (Ed.): Power, politics, and people. The collected essays of C. Wright Mills. New York: Oxford University Press 1963.

Frederick George Bailey: Closed social stratification in India. Archives européennes de Sociologie 4, 1963, 107-124.

Alain Darbel, Paul Rivet, Claude Seibel.: Travail et travailleurs en Algérie. 1: Données statistiques;
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Hansjörgen Daheim: Berufliche Intergenerationen-Mobilität in der komplexen Gesellschaft. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 16, 1964.

Wolfgang Zapf (Ed.): Beiträge zur Analyse der deutschen Oberschicht. München: Piper 1964 (Studien und Berichte aus dem Soziologischen Seminar der Universität Tübingen, Nr. 3).

Burkhard Strümpel: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung als menschliches Verhalten. Ein Forschungsbericht. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1964.

Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckmann: Soziale Mobilität und persönliche Identität (1964). In Thomas Luckmann: Lebenswelt und Gesellschaft. Paderborn: Schöningh 1980, 142-160.

Hans-Dieter Evers: Higher civil servants in Thailand. Socialmobility, overseas education, and attitudes towards their own cultural tradition. A report on a research study of the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute for Socio-Political Research. Freiburg i.Br.: The Institute 1964.

Ralf Dahrendorf: Recent Changes in the Class Structure of European Societies. Daedalus 1964.

Stephan Thernstrom: Poverty and progress. Social mobility in a 19th century city. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1964.

George K. Zollschan: Explorations in social change. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1964.

Saburo Yasuda: Methodological Inquiry into Social Mobility. American Sociological Review 29, 1964.

E. Gross: On Controlling Marginals in Social Mobility Measurement. American Sociological Review 29, 1964.

Elton F. Jackson, Harry J. Crockett: Occupational Mobility in the United States. A Point Estimate and Trend Comparison. American Sociological Review 29, 1964.

Tom Bottomore: Elites and society. London: Watts 1964; Harmondsworth: Penguin 1966.

John D. Lansing: Residential location and urban mobility. Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan 1964.

Raymond Aron: La lutte des classes. Nouvelles leçons sur les sociétés industrielles. Paris 1964.

Seymour Martin Lipset: Research Problems in the Comparative Analyses of Mobility and Development. International Social Science Journal 16, 1964.

Donald G. McKinley: Social Class and Family Life. Glencoe, Ill. 1964.

George K. Zollschan: Explorations in social change. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1964.

James Ambrose Raftis: Tenure and Mobility. Studies in the Social History of the Medieval English Village. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies 1964.

John B. Lansing, Nancy Barth: The geographic mobility of labor. A summary report. Prepared for the Area Redevelopment Administration. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office 1964.

William A. Rushing: Adolescent-Parent Relationship and Mobility. Social Forces 43, 1964.

Ralph H. Turner: The social context of ambition. A study of high-school seniors in Los Angeles. San Francisco: Chandler Publications 1964.

Ralph H. Turner: Upward Mobility and Class Values. Social Problems 11, 1964.

Egon Szabady, György Acsádi, Ferenc Gyulai, András Klinger: Studies on Fertility and Social Mobility. Proceedings of the International Demographic Symposium held November 20-30, 1962 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó 1964.

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Joseph B. Schechtman: The Refugee in the World, Displacement and Integration. New York 1964.

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Jorge Ahumada: Hypothesis for the diagnosis of a situation of social change. The case of Venezuela. International social science journal 16, 1964, 2, 192-202.

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Stephan Thernstrom, Peter R. Knights: Men in motion. Some data and speculation about urban population mobility in nineteenth-century America. Los Angeles: Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California 1970.

Social mobility movements among scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of India. Compilation and draft: Shubhendu Sanyal; editing: B. K. Roy Burman. New Delhi 1970.

David Goodman Mandelbaum: Society in India. 2vol., Berkeley: University of California Press 1970.

James Alden Barber, Jr.: Social mobility and voting behavior. Chicago: Rand McNally 1970.

Rodolfo Stavenhagen: Agrarian problems and peasant movements in Latin America. Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1970.

Maurice Chevallier: L'Emploi comme facteur de la mobilité géographique. La Formation professionnelle post-scolaire. Le Marché du travail et les zones d'emploi. Lyon: Groupe de sociologie urbaine 1970.

Nicole Delruelle: La mobilité sociale en Belgique. Analyse des résultats d'un sondage national. Bruxelles: Éditions de l'Institut de sociologie, Université libre de Bruxelles 1970.

James T. C. Liu, Wei-ming Tu (Ed.): Traditional China. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1970.

Giuseppe Binachi: La mobilità volontaria della mano d'opera. Milano: F. Angeli 1970.

Humbert S. Nelli: Italians in Chicago, 1880-1930. A study in ethnic mobility. New York: Oxford University Press 1970.

Jan Hinderink, Mübeccel B. Kiray: Social stratification as an obstacle to development. A study of four Turkish villages. New York: Praeger 1970.

L.C. Faron: Stratification and pluralism in the Bolivian Yungas. In Walter Goldschmidt, Harry Hoijer (Ed.): The Social anthropology of Latin America. Essays in honor of Ralph Leon Beals. Los Angeles: Latin American Center, University of California 1970.

Reinhard Bendix: Social stratification and the political community. In Reinhard Bendix: Embattled reason. Essays on social knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press 1970.

Paul Gottlieb: Social mobility of the Jewish immigrant. Diss. Univ. of Nottingham 1970.

Sheila Fitzpatrick: Education and social mobility in the Soviet Union, 1921-1934. Cambridge University Press 1970.

John P. Hewitt: Social stratification and deviant behavior. New York: Random House 1970.

Edward O. Laumann (Ed.). Social stratification. Research and theory for the 1970's. Special Issue of Sociological Inquiry; Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill 1970.

Leonard Plotnicov, Arthur Tuden (Ed.): Essays in comparative social stratification. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 1970.

Arthur Tuden, Leonard Plotnicov (Ed.): Social stratification in Africa. New York: Free Press/ London: Collier-Macmillan 1970.

Norval Dwight Glenn, Jon P. Alston, David Weiner: Social Stratification. A research bibliography. Berkeley, Calif.: Glendessary Press 1970.


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