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Like you, I am a manufacturer for pecuniary profit ...

From the commencement of my management I viewed the population, with the mechanism and every other part of the establishment, as a system composed of many parts, and which it was my duty and interest so to combine, as that every hand, as well as every spring, lever and wheel, should effectually co-operate to produce the greatest pecuniary gain to the proprietors.

Robert Owen an die Aufseher von Fabriken und Arbeitgeber überhaupt 1816


The world advances in knowledge by recording, studying, and comparing experience.

J. Silas Dunning, Herausgeber der "Railroad Gazette" 1872


Most writers in the Engineering Magazine followed Coleman Seilers in seeing home and community environment as factors to worker efficiency ...

‚The health, comfort and self-respect of the men’ were objectives which even so hard-boiled an instrumentalist and positivist as Arnold thought likely to evoke ‚sympathy’ from managers.

Scarcely any treatment of labor relations by the group of engineers studied failed to specify that sincerity, fair play, and frankness on the part of management were essential to the success of any scheme. A surprising number of engineers saw both managers and men not only as instruments of production but also as human beings with hopes and fears, latent capacities, and unfulfilled needs.

Leland H. Jenks über die 1890er Jahre


Scientific Management is not an efficiency device ... it is not a new system of figuring costs ...; it is not time study; it is not motion study; ... it is not any of the devices which the average man calls to mind when Scientific Management is spoken of.

Frederick Winslow Taylor 1912


The care of the human aspect of management cannot be left to subordinates: it must be made the main concern of one of the heads of the business; and even then, there will be large questions of policy which will need to be anxiously and laboriously considered by the whole board ...

The aim is to develop the social sympathies and moral character of the employees, as well as their intelligence and initiative.

Edward Cadbury 1912


There is no getting away from the fact that however strong and experienced a managing director might be, by himself, he could do little if not ably and sympathetically supported by his co-workers. To know and to understand each other could not be done in a better way than by sitting round a table discussing and solving business problems.

Hans Renold 1913


In all problems of management, the human element is the most important one.

Henry Laurence Gantt 1916


The solution of world problems must eventually be built up from all the little bits of experience wherever people are consciously trying to solve problems of relation. And this attempt is being made more consciously and deliberately in business than anywhere else.

Mary Parker Follett 1933


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